This anon is picking Factor V Leiden mutation aaaaaannndd knocked up…
Watch this, you'll be sleeping in no time…
YouTube has done a lot worse lately. Have you noticed random channels with a couple thousand subscriptions suddenly being turned into political propaganda machines? Most of the are cooking channels that, three to four months ago, had videos about food. Now they are videos about politics. The algorithm thinks it is so smart…
Its not for the carpet…its for the views…
I dont have anymore fucks to give anon, for me its just a waiting game now. If Google wants to sell my search history they had better hurry the fuck up…
Im usually yelling "Get the fucking hose" because I dont think they use enough. You'll never see a comment about them using too much water.
I have a drawer full of zombie phones. Just added a new one yesterday…
I wonder how far it is from Oprahs house to Obamas house…via paddle board…