DJT: "very little happens by accident…"
I think the numbers are "organic" to this "world" we live in. There is an "organic" side to this. Just look at the golden ratio (phi) that shows up in almost everything "natural" here. So either we're plugged into a computer running code [like the movie], OR there is an energetic creator to this world that expresses itself in a numerically perfect, composed (quantum) reality. God created the world with his word, so they say. Words (vibrations) have power and can create. Letters compose words and have numerical values. Numbers therefore, have power. If only we were all taught this language. Q told us DJT=4,10,20..
I believe part of [their] religion is to learn this "code" and "hack" it to their advantage. They exploit the numbers purposefully… it's like they believe they figured out the way to take control of this "world" is by controlling it's numerical code and forcing events to happen by it.
So they changed the alphabet and made English the most prominent language on the planet…AND they changed the calendar around abouts the same time so that it all lines up for their rituals now. What a coincidence!
Have a Superb Owl LIII graphic for your collection! Patriots v Rams.