This is a bit of a stretch for me lol
This might give some insight. Grimes explaining why they used certain characters to name her and elons kid. Little look into his mind possibly.
With all the boomers on here this makes sense. I've seen countless boomers accidentally post their full address on here lol I have a file
I'm almost positive Elon's entire thought process with the name X is because its the "unknown variable" so if likes the idea of his empire being the answer to the unknown variable. He's also just an edgelord so does things for the memes.
>and how, pray tell, do you know they're all boomers?
Ever heard of doing research? Or is that a foreign concept on here these days? You're dumb to think the real anons on here wouldn't do some digging on who is accidentally doxxing themselves.
big keks. how exactly did i doxx myself?
Could non-human biologics mean mutated virus's ?