chk and he's gone.
They will never let go. They will die in power.
You know how they love to kayak.
this is with adjusting just the hue one way or the other
You mean rays of shamash. Assyrian. Ashurbanipal. God the creator of the universe with a side of other gods. The founder of God almighty but not of monotheism, still polytheism.
I found out about temple of Hathor in Egypt. It was built by the late Ptolemy's Cleopatra. What is significant is what it consists of and I never knew Hathor the god of the golden calf had to do with astronomy and has the Egyptian Zodiac there. One of the most well preserved temples.
Yes. I've seen it too. Even Roman Standards, at least in the east, had crescent moons too.
Those symbols of the moon and stars everywhere.