occult indeed
I'm a UFO experiencer who is visited by 'creatures with red eyes and glowing orbs' - my stories are so compelling NASA and the CIA are studying me
A North Carolina man claims he is visited by glowing orbs every night of his life
He had his first encounter in 2007 while on a fishing trip at Cape Fear
A North Carolina man who was on the verge of giving up on life called out to the heavens for help and received a response from what he believes was the third kind.
Former construction mogul Christopher Bledsoe, 62, told DailyMail.com that in 2007 he was nearly penniless after losing his business and ventured out to the dark woods around Cape Fear Lake with thoughts of ending his life.
'I got within 40 feet at the top of the hill, I cried out, 'whoever's up there, help me,' and I never expected to see what I saw,' said Bledsoe.
Hovering about 150 feet above the ground were two orbs glowing a blood-red, tangerine color, and
Bledsoe said these orbs have since appeared over his home 'every night,' and while he is reluctant to call them 'aliens,' he is adamant they are not from this world.
He claims to have captured footage of these orbs and his stories - while they might seem fantastical - have caught the attention of NASA, as well as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Department of Defense (DoD) agents.