Anonymous ID: e53a6c July 27, 2023, 7:13 a.m. No.19250613   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0617



A new report is out, alleging that Crooked Joe participated in 25 BRIBERY CALLS.


It’s no coincidence that just as Crooked Joe’s crimes are finally getting exposed, the GRAND JURY in the Department of Justice’s latest witch hunt against me was reportedly called to reconvene.


In fact, it’s being rumored that the Biden DOJ is trying to JAIL me for an additional 25 YEARS TO LIFE as a completely innocent man – all while they cover up Crooked Joe’s 25 BRIBERY CALLS.


The Deep State is trying to distract from the crimes and corruption committed by the Crook in the White House by going after the ONLY candidate who can beat him next November.


But, even as the threat of a LIFE IN PRISON hangs over my head for a crime I did not commit, I will NEVER waver in our mission to save America and make our country great again.


Because I know that if we don’t win the 2024 election, we will lose more than an election, we will lose our Republic.


With the July end-of-month fundraising deadline coming up fast, our movement could truly use your support to win back the White House and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


Please make a contribution to SAVE AMERICA – for 1,500% impact.