Anonymous ID: 85642f June 27, 2018, 9:38 a.m. No.1925277   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5377

>>1924949 (lb)

I had a random thought just a bit ago; I know we've all (at some point or another over the past 8 months) thought that there is the slimmest chance that SR may still be alive (so this is not a new thought). But I was thinking, in regards to Q's post last night stating "You have the site but we have the source"…and the following occurred to me: Since white hats were presumably watching the entire lead up to the 2016 election, it is very possible that they were monitoring the DNC, comms between employees, etc, that worked for the DNC as well (and common sense would suggest that they were at least partially aware of HRC & Pedosta's emails as well (WE SEE ALL. WE HEAR ALL.) So what if SR-whom we are all but certain is the SOURCE of the DNC email 'hack'-was being monitored by white hats while he was in comms with wikileaks and said white hats became aware that Pedosta/HRC we're planning to have SR murdered 'to make an example of him' and intervened on that fateful night? What if he was whisked away into protective custody and a cover story was created….which, by way of the DNC 'hack' , gave legs to the 'muh Russia hacked/interfered with the 2016 election'…which in turn has done almost a complete 180 at this point because it's all pointing back at those who pointed their fingers first…the whole "projection" thing. (Bear with me here, I know this is long but I am trying to get all of my thoughts in coherent order). And what's even more odd about the SR 187/botched robbery story is how now SR's own brother is trying to sue certain people/agencies who want to continue investigating it & the whole thing with his parents and how they acted didn't set quite right from the beginning. So: What if SR is alive and is going (at the right time) to testify before congress and admit that he was indeed the one who gave the DNC emails to Wikileaks…thereby decimating what's left of the muh Russia witch hunt which will bite SO many people in the ass….and as an added bonus it will also reinforce with normies how fake fake news really is…kind of like killing 5 mockingbirds with one stone…and the final part of my thought/theory is that maybe SR "coming back from the dead" to call out his would-be assassins (hired by HRC, et. al) and confess to being the source of the email leaks (which lead to this glorious but awesome thing we are taking part in right now) and BOOM!!!! Q said the 4th BOOM would be "magical"….I think that would definitely qualify.

Ok, I think I got most of it out…..thoughts, fellow anons?

I KNOW SR being alive is a very, very slim chance….but stranger things have happened. Just sayin'.

Anonymous ID: 85642f June 27, 2018, 9:48 a.m. No.1925377   🗄️.is 🔗kun


replying to myself to add one other thing

The TIMING of this…Q's post implying they have the "source" is almost or possibly completely going to line up with the date-July-of the alleged murder. How about that for a timeline? Maybe our forthcoming 4th of July will bear some amazing surprises….and Q also said, "July 2018-the month the world discovered the TRUTH." Could it possibly be……?