Anonymous ID: 65c16c July 27, 2023, 11:44 a.m. No.19252252   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2717 >>2769

27 Jul, 2023 14:04

‘Colossal difference’ between Ukrainian and Russian losses – Putin

Kiev lost ten times more troops than Moscow’s military in a recent major battle, Vladimir Putin has claimed


The Ukrainian military has ramped up its counteroffensive, but sustained heavy losses in the process, Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed on Thursday.


During the past 24 hours, Kiev's forces launched a major attack on Russian positions in Zaporozhye Region, Putin revealed when talking to reporters on the sidelines of the Russia-Africa Summit in St. Petersburg.


Russian troops demonstrated “mass heroism” while repelling the assault, the president said, adding that he has already instructed the military to give the most distinguished soldiers state awards, and to consider giving honorary names to their units.


“The adversary used a large amount of heavy hardware, around 50 pieces. Some 39 of them, namely 26 tanks and 13 armored vehicles were destroyed,” Putin claimed.


Around 60% of the armor was taken out by ground forces in direct contact, while the rest was hit by Russian frontline aviation, the president noted.


The Ukrainian military sustained heavy personnel losses during the engagement, with more than 200 soldiers lost, Putin revealed. He acknowledged that the Russian military suffered casualties while repelling the advance, describing the difference between the losses of the two sides as “colossal.” Ukraine lost ten times more soldiers than Russia during the battle, he claimed.


The Ukrainian military launched its long-heralded counteroffensive against Russian forces in early June, deploying strategic reserves onto the battlefield, including soldiers trained abroad, with Western-supplied military hardware.


So far, however, Kiev has failed to achieve any tangible gains on the battlefield, while sustaining heavy losses, with dozens of Western-provided armor pieces, such as German-made Leopard 2 tanks and US-made Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, damaged or destroyed in combat.

Anonymous ID: 65c16c July 27, 2023, 11:55 a.m. No.19252287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2717 >>2769

27 Jul, 2023 14:39

The Western establishment just gave itself a ‘World Peace and Liberty’ award

Ursula von der Leyen received the ‘judicial equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize’ from Justin Trudeau in a perfect self-congratulatory orgy


Get a load of who won – and presented – a new honor that’s modestly being compared to the Nobel Peace Prize.


If you haven’t heard of the World Law Foundation non-profit organization, you could be forgiven. But despite only existing since 2019, it has already created an award described by the Western press as nothing less than the “judicial equivalent” of the world’s top award for promoting peace.


Wonder where they got that idea, if not from the organization itself. Can anyone just create a think tank and put it in charge of anaward branded as the latest version of the Nobel Peace Prize?Good luck with that – unless, of course, your board is loaded up with establishment heavyweights – in which case, people just tell themselves that it must be legit since all these VIPs wouldn’t otherwise be involved.


So a few days ago, the humble folks of the World Law Foundation gathered at the United Nations in New York for the World Law Congress. One of the big items on the agenda was to hand out this year’s World Peace and Liberty Award to none other than European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, unelected de facto Queen of Europe, who accepted it on behalf of the commission.


Wow, didn’t see that one coming. Particularly with a former EU commissioner being the vice president of the group’s board, which also includes former Polish and French prime ministers, former Slovenian and Latvian presidents, a former EU vice president, and various Western establishment corporate figures, academics, and jurists.


You’d think that the same Von der Leyen-led EU Commission would have been a controversial candidate for a peace award given that it’s constantly sided with Washington’s military interventionism or at least have done little to nothing to stop it, and even led the way in the case of Libyan regime change. Most recently, the EU had a chance to stop the conflict in Ukraine before it even started by demanding Kiev’s adherence to the Minsk agreements and rejecting the West’s arming and training of anti-Russian fighters on the border with Russia.


“For the first time ever, the European Union will finance the purchase and delivery of weapons and other equipment to a country that is under attack,” von der Leyen said last year, calling it “a watershed moment.” Know what else is a watershed moment? Giving a peace award to someone whose knee-jerk reaction to armed conflict was to flood the zone with even more weapons. Then again, maybe the Nobel Peace Prize is indeed the right comparison, given that it was prematurely awarded to former US President Barack Obama even before he could order more bombing in Africa and the Middle East.


Von der Leyen also embodies the epitome of freedom, apparently. Or at least the best that this group could find. Who was she even up against? Did Genghis Khan’s estate turn down the award or something?


“We’ll present this month a legislative proposal for a Digital Green Pass,” she tweeted in March 2021. “The Digital Green Pass should facilitate Europeans’ lives. The aim is to gradually enable them to move safely in the European Union or abroad – for work or tourism.” She conveniently left out the part about Europeans being denied the basic right to access everyday venues, travel, work, and assemble – all because you chose not to take a jab that prevented neither transmission nor acquisition of an overwhelmingly survivable virus.


We’re talking about the same Big Pharma jab about which von der Leyen has yet to hand over, even to an investigative committee of the EU itself, personal communications with the CEO of Pfizer around the time the EU was making a deal with the company…..


(They absolutely have no shame, and they hate all the people. Typical royalty of satanism)

Anonymous ID: 65c16c July 27, 2023, 12:34 p.m. No.19252474   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2717 >>2769

27 Jul, 2023 14:04

Dark money funding reverse-engineering of alien craft in US – whistleblower

Under oath, David Grusch has repeated many of his previous claims about alien technology research


The US government is in possession of debris from non-human craft as well as “biologicals,” potentially from the pilots of the alien craft, according to the testimony of a former intelligence analyst who has turned whistleblower.


Research into the technology is paid-for through the misappropriation of public funds, David Grusch told the House oversight subcommittee for national security on Wednesday. People reporting such claims also face reprisals and personal harm, he added.


Grusch is a veteran intelligence officer who served in the US Air Force and later became a civilian employee at the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency. During questioning he repeated under oath some of the explosive claims he had previously made publicly, including to media outlets NewsNation and The Debrief. The hearing focused on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), which was Grusch’s line of work at the agency.


He confirmed that according to his knowledge, the US government had collected debris from crash sites of “non-human” craft over the course of decades. He was denied access to the relevant data, which led him to formally complain to the intelligence community Inspector General.


“I know the exact locations,” Grusch said during the hearing, when asked about where the technology was kept.


On several occasions, the witness told the committee he could not answer their questions in a public hearing. The committee was also denied the use of a sensitive compartmented information facility (SCIF), through which top-secret information could be divulged.


Grusch confirmed that, to avoid congressional scrutiny, private companies were involved in the research. The defense contractors allegedly overcharge the Pentagon for their products and then use the excess funds for the state’s clandestine programs.


He testified that he and others face reprisals for speaking out and referred to “administrative terror,” meaning negative career consequences for any whistleblowers. There is also a risk of more direct personal harm, he claimed.


“It was very brutal, and very unfortunate – some of the tactics they used to hurt me both professionally and personally,” Grusch recalled of his own experience.


He said he had concerns for his life over the disclosures, but declined to say whether he could substantiate claims of murder, adding that he had “directed people with that knowledge to the appropriate authorities.


Grusch was called to the House alongside two former pilots, who had encounters with UAPs. They said what they witnessed appeared far more advanced than any current human technology.


Anons, why are these agencies preventing the public to know? Is it so they can use it as a weapon of fear on us in the future? What would be the reason? It seems like the Nazi technology might be revealed? What is the reason?

Anonymous ID: 65c16c July 27, 2023, 12:41 p.m. No.19252511   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2717 >>2769

Virginia high school sports league rejects GOP Gov Youngkin's transgender athlete policy

The league allows transgender high school students to compete against students with the same gender identity, if they meet certain criteria.

Updated: July 27, 2023 - 3:31pm

The Virginia High School League, which oversees most of the state’s high school sports, says it has no immediate plans to change policies governing transgender athletes, despite Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s new guidelines that call for competition to be among those of the same biological sex.


Youngkin’s model policies state student-athletes be grouped as such, as opposed to by gender identity, with “reasonable modifications” granted only to the extent required by law.


The league’s executive director, John “Billy” Haun recommend Monday to school leaders keeping in place the policies, which allow transgender athletes to participate on teams that match their gender identity, under certain conditions.


He said, however, the league "certainly will respect the decision of any school division as they address their policies and will continue to review this matter as we move forward and the new school year begins.”


The current policy allows certain considerations for trans athletes to compete against athletes with the same gender identity.


Athletes who have undergone sex reassignment before puberty or who are undergoing hormone therapy “in a verifiable manner and for a sufficient length of time to minimize gender-related advantages,” will be given these considerations.


Thirty-eight transgender athletes filed appeals to participate under the policy from 2014 through the 2022-2023 school year, with 34 granted, according to the league.


The difference between the league’s stance and the Youngkin administration’s policies will likely lead to confusion for school staff and parents, says Breanna Diaz, policy and legislative counsel for the ACLU of Virginia.


School boards and superintendents across the state were beginning to process and respond to Youngkin’s policies, which encompass more than just athletics and were finalized last week.


The administration’s guidelines also address the use of bathrooms and other sex-segregated facilities.


It will take time for the school boards and superintendents to process the policies, especially since some school boards have a summer break, said Scott Brabrand, executive director of the Virginia Association of School Superintendents.


School leaders in some Democrat-leaning parts of the state have said they will not adhere to the Youngkin administration’s guidance. Republican-leaning areas similarly declined to adopt the model polices of preceding GOP. Ralph Northam, a Democrat.


“I don’t think it’s going to be the same exact reaction from every school district,” said Scott Brabrand, executive director of the Virginia Association of School Superintendents, whose organization has not taken a formal position on the matter.


“The Virginia Department of Education has fulfilled its responsibility to develop the model policies, school boards are expected to follow the law,” Youngkin spokeswoman Macaulay Porter said Wednesday.


Porter said that under the 2020 law directing the Department of Education to create model policies, the VHSL “does not have a role.”

Anonymous ID: 65c16c July 27, 2023, 1:28 p.m. No.19252790   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Supreme Court allows construction of Mountain Valley natural gas pipeline to resume

The deicision vacates the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals' previous stay on the pipeline.

Updated: July 27, 2023 - 2:00pm

The United States Supreme Court ruled Thursday that the Mountain Valley Pipeline may resume construction.


The ruling vacates a 4th Circuit Court of Appeals decision earlier this month that halted the completion of the pipeline and called for a review of authorizations by the Bureau of Land Management and Forest Service for the pipeline to be finished.


On July 14th, SCOTUS was presented with the Mountain Valley case, wherein justices were asked to overrule "extraordinary" orders by the 4th Circuit to prevent the project from moving forward, according to SCOTUSblog.


According to Reuters, the $6.6 billion fossil fuel project was supposed to be finished the same year construction began in 2018, but is one of the many like it toface delays and calls to be shut down altogether.


The natural gas pipeline, when completed, would extend 300 miles from southern Virginia to northwest West Virginia.


If you are wondering why the 4th Circuit would block this pipeline, 11 Judges out of 18 were appointed by Democrats, and Biden appointed two.

Judges of the Fourth Circuit


Chief Judge Albert Diaz OBAMA

Judge J. Harvie Wilkinson REAGAN

Judge Paul V. Niemeyer BUSH GHW

Judge Robert B. King CLINTON

Judge Roger L. Gregory BUSH GW

Judge G. Steven Agee BUSH GW

Judge James A. Wynn, Jr. OBAMA

Judge Stephanie D. Thacker OBAMA

Judge Pamela A. Harris OBAMA

Judge Julius N. Richardson TRUMP

Judge A. Marvin Quattlebaum, Jr. TRUMP

Judge Allison Jones Rushing TRUMP

Judge Toby J. Heytens BIDEN

Judge DeAndrea Gist Benjamin BIDEN

Senior Judge Diana Gribbon Motz CLINTON

Senior Judge William B. Traxler CLINTON

Senior Judge Barbara Milano Keenan OBAMA

Senior Judge Henry F. Floyd OBAMA