Please, no noticing.
>I'm sure it's a 'coincidence' you cherry picked Democrats.
Lets see: A hired jew lawyer. (Lol) Miller, who seems kosher enough. And Kushner the Mossad rat who will in some fashion be Trumps undoing. You watch. This is really weak, rabbi, good grief. Oh and most known Jews are Democrats, in fact 80+% of Jews have voted against Trump. So you see…..Lol.
Fuck Iowa and their Roundup drenched GMO corn and soy. Its poison.
Oddly enough Elvis was a fervent student of Madam Blavatsky in his final years and even pawned off books of hers to people in Vegas and Hollywood. Don Rickles mentioned in an old interview that Elvis had blabbed nonstop about Theosophy to him backstage before some variety show. Weird.
>Are Trump and Q going to let these traitors get away with all their crimes against humanity and the people of the US?
Did they get away with the kill vax?
>you are mistaken
Not in the least. Both are satanic bullshit practiced by fools. You were saying?
>How do you figure waste of taxes
Billions in subsidies for ethanol to dilute gasoline. Know your topic, kid.
Then you're a fool. GMO crops harm humanity, especially children and ethanol is welfare and retarded.
Make it stick.
> Ronald Reagan's Shocking UFO Encounter
Ronny Raygun. A B grade actor who signed no-fault divorce into law and observed the destruction of our industrial base during the 80's. Did I mention the billions in MIC graft and arming Iran?