Sean Hannity is a Warmonger just like his handlers
since Hunter and Joe have been exposed even more now
I imagine the DS will push the "War" even Further
To Protect The DS
They will send our Children to their death in a foreign land
city folk are living in a atmosphere of fear, anxiety and emotion
perfect conditions for mkultra programming
"That mother fucker is not real" x3 so far
meaning fake or Artificial
are AI androids walking among us?
$666,666.66 would be more accurate
it's plusma discharges being used to distract from a long list of DS crimes & treason
they just went on about how much they care for veterans
remember that? it was 2 months ago
Don't judge them by their words
it's the Fruits of the labors that defines them
why is it that it's always the MTF that are the perverts?
Why do we never see this behavior with FTM?
Move out of the Blue Cities
Find a nice Red state to live in
Without Tax Revenue from the Middle And Upper Class the City will Fall into decay
Protect your children
Flee, Move, Run, Walk if you must
Just Get Away
If he changes Genders and Name
Does his Crimes also Disappear?
Is that the idea behind him doing sure a thing?