Anonymous ID: 6b60d0 July 28, 2023, 6:30 a.m. No.19256500   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6510 >>6516


>highly anti-semitic boards


Muhjoo shills don't 'define' the boards.

Evil does not define the Good.

Q chose the boards because of no censorship to allow Q's messages to be posted without interruption. Just because the parasitical muhjoo shills exploit that freedom it doesn't mean that's why Q chose them.

Yes, Mossad is corrupt, but so is the C_A, which as you can see is in the same Q drop.

Q said repeatedly this goes beyond the artificial division categories you're spewing here, and called you shills out numerous times.


To criticize Mossad is not to condemn the jews any more than criticizing the C_A condemns white people.

You muhjoos are inconsistent. You use multiple conflicting logics for humanity.

Anonymous ID: 6b60d0 July 28, 2023, 6:44 a.m. No.19256574   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6578


>And God judges every person individually.

Bingo, in Judaism, Christianity and Islam in particular.

And this is precisely why the satanic cult is spending years and trillions of dollars in attacking the Abrahamic religions, because with methodological individualism, their 'blood libel' and 'guilt by association' collectivist narrative intended to turn large groups of individuals against each other so as to keep them blinded to the cult's real world operations can't work.

It is also why free enterprise spreads the most where there are logics of the individual's redemption and salvation, individual responsibility, and individual guilt.

Anonymous ID: 6b60d0 July 28, 2023, 7 a.m. No.19256659   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6695


>Like I said, removal of posts just help to confirm the truth

Yes, that the cult is panicking bigly and are trying desperately to paint Q and Anons with the cult's own self-alienated projections, by spamming the board with groupthink logic of innocence and guilt condemnations, and to impose de facto censorship by gobbling up the breads to reduce the quantity of what would otherwise be a more truthful and logical series of posts.

When the world is distracted with muhjoo narrative, who are insulated/protected?

Anons know.

Indeed NOTHING can stop what is coming, even narratives desperately trying to prolong groupthink logic to keep people blind.

What does the NWO worship again?

The God as written in texts in Judaism, Christianity or Islam?

Or a self-alienated 'thought' that projects a rebellion against God?

Anonymous ID: 6b60d0 July 28, 2023, 7:27 a.m. No.19256797   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6817 >>6836


Nah, not 'cheerleading', just calling out the dialectic opposite of that which is itself an intentional 'anti-cheerlead' narrative attempt.

The pattern attacking Musk is the exact same shill pattern Anons see over the years for everyone they want to discredit.

If you came up with something new, then maybe it would work, but it seems you have only one logic, which is why it's so easy to spot.


If you really want to discredit what clowns no longer have pedo blackmail control over, you need to come up with a logic that allows you to blend in more effectively.

Anonymous ID: 6b60d0 July 28, 2023, 8:43 a.m. No.19257096   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Vitriolic 'anti-Abrahamic religion' narrative is itself a cult dogma that has followers who traffic, rape and kill women and children, but let's ignore them because it's better if the sheep are blinded to that cult and look at their neighbors as enemies instead.