>Vatican is very supportive of unfounded Climate Alarmist armegeddon doom… but of course.
Is pope francis the anti-christ?
>Vatican is very supportive of unfounded Climate Alarmist armegeddon doom… but of course.
Is pope francis the anti-christ?
>The pope is anti-Christ, it doesn't matter who sits in the chair. Those who falsely claim authority over us because they deny Him in the flesh, in us, is anti-Christ.
He does show his true colors on occasion.
>Pope Francis Says Alcoholics, Autistic and Disabled People Should Be Euthanized To ‘Fight Climate Change’
>July 28, 2023
The world will NOT be at peace as long as the corrupt, degenerate POS called Joe Biden is walking around a free man.
It will be a glorious day when he is put on trial and removed.