Anonymous ID: b150c0 July 28, 2023, 8:58 a.m. No.19257170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7173

POTUS posted a couple of Truths containing articles regarding Fallen Marine Sgt. Gee. Isn’t it strange that they’re not citing faux (for once!), as Faux is usually in their “Headlines”? From, a Military info sauce:


The family of a Marine who was killed during the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 had to pay $60,000 to fly her body from California to Arlington to bury her.  A recent Fox News story incorrectly reported that the Defense Department stuck the family of Marine Sgt. Nicole Gee, who was killed in Afghanistan, with a $60,000 bill to transfer her from California to Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia, according to the fallen Marine’s family and the Pentagon. Rep. Cory Mills (R-Fla.) told Fox News that a non-profit organization helped Gee’s family pay a $60,000 bill after the Defense Department refused to pay to fly the fallen Marine from California to Arlington National Cemetery. However, Christy Shamblin, Gee’s mother-in-law, told Task & Purpose on Wednesday that the Defense Department did not tell Gee’s family that it would not pay the costs of moving her to Arlington National Cemetery. “That never happened,” Shamblin said. At the time, Gee’s family was working with the non-profit group Honoring Our Fallen, Shamblin said. When the group learned that it would cost $60,000 to fly Gee from Sacramento to Arlington National Cemetery, the group flew her in a private plane to the cemetery, she said. Shamblin said she does not think Gee’s family ever asked the Defense Department to pay for the costs of moving Gee to Virginia to be interred at Arlington National Cemetery. “…got the information that that’s how much it was going to cost, and the private non-profit just stepped in and took over from there”… “I’m not even sure that it went to the point where they said ‘no.’

That may have been the next step in the process, but we just never got to that point.” Still, Shamblin said she believes the Defense Department could have done more during the process of bringing Gee back from Afghanistan to California, noting that U.S. government agencies were slow to respond to her family at the time. Laura Herzog, founder and CEO of Honoring Our Fallen Inc, told Task & Purpose that she personally secured an in-kind donation of a flight in a private aircraft to transport Gee to Arlington National Cemetery so that the fallen Marine would not have to be transported on a commercial airline. Under DOD policy, when the remains of fallen military members are returned home, they are delivered to an initial location designated by family members, often a hometown. There, families, friends and communities often hold memorial services. If family members wish to see their service member buried elsewhere, such as in a national cemetery like Arlington, the family must pay to transport the members to that location. They can then request to be reimbursed for those expenses along with the rest of the funeral bill under a Defense Department policy.


Now, here are outfits who amazingly, for once, don't cite FAUX? (Of course the Fake potato's NWO Communist handlers hate this Country. No fucking shit):

Townhall: Biden Cut a Massive Check to Ukraine After Forcing a Family to Pay $60,000 To Move Soldier’s Remains This comes as reports reveal a family who lost their daughter in Afghanistan while serving the U.S. was billed $60,000 to move her remains to her final resting place. GOP Rep. Cory Mills (Fla.) commented on the matter, saying, "The undeniable truth remains that these 13 deaths were preventable…”


“Reports”, and Mills “commented”? He said it on FAUX. WHERES the faux citation NOW?


It has recently come to light that the Biden administration had reportedly forced the family of a female Marine who was killed in Afghanistan to pay $60,000 to have her body transported to her place of burial.

RSBN cites the Post Millennial, NOT FAUX — Biden admin forces family of soldier killed in Afghanistan withdrawal to pay $60,000 to transport her body to Arlington National Cemetery — which cites Gilbert: Sadly it’s come to light that USMC sgt Nicole L Gee’s family had to step up and find a way to cover the cost of transportation of her body to it’s final resting place. Over $60k was spent:


You'd think Treason and Crimes Against Humanity would give them PLENTY to focus on…

Anonymous ID: b150c0 July 28, 2023, 10:20 a.m. No.19257559   🗄️.is 🔗kun

More dumbing-down sewage having light shown on it by Our President; He Re-Truthed yet another politician on FAUX. “issues now coming up”?? That's what faux and its Uniparty fucks are trying to pull off after having suppressed everything to get a fake potato propped up to make a mockery of this Country on behalf of its NWO/Communist Overlords.


Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. called for a “real” investigation into the shady business dealings of Joe Biden and his family on Fox News during a conversation with Maria Bartiromo. RFK JR ON BIDEN: “I think the issues are now coming up are worrying enough that we really need a real investigation… these revelations where you had Burisma, which is a notoriously corrupt company that paid out, apparently, $10M to Hunter and his dad”


Like everything known PRIOR to fake Rigged 2020, perhaps? For starters, going back a few YEARS:

Dec 8, 2019 Viktor Shokin: Biden outraged we seized Burisma assets


OAN's Exclusive reporting by Chanel Rion on the audio recordings of VP Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Poroshenko discussing the firing of Prosecutor General Victor Shokin looking into Hunter Biden. This explosive report was targeted by the entire Biden and media apparatus. Only to be proven not only true, but the most damning proof of just how corrupt the Biden family has been. AIRED IN EARLY 2020- PRIOR TO FAKE 2020 RIGGED “ELECTION”:

Biden Bribe Tapes I