Climate Change Is Complete BS!
Fire Season is a WEF made up word for fear porn!
Are the California & Canadian Forest Fires
Intentionally Set Using Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) aka Microwave Energy Lasers
That Will Burn Metal, But Not Plastics or Trees?
These are intentional fires are coming from under the ground up. The metal pipes under the ground burnt to a crisp…they are replacing them with plastic to cover their tracks & hide the evidence of microwave energy lasers being used to cause the intentional forest fires aka fake climate change. Anything near metal burns…but not synthetics/plastic or the trees
And follows water, like creeks, rivers, trees burn from the inside out.
Just like metal starting on fire in a microwave!!!
Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) being used?
High Energy Lasers or aka Microwave Energy Lasers that will burn metal, but not plastics.
Who produces this type of metal burning microwave lasers called DEWs…Raytheon Technologies
They sterilized the soil! The ground itself is burning up from inside, just like the water inside of trees..
Burning people out of the beautiful areas for themselves? But sterilizing the soil…for their climate change hoax for enslavement. Great reset….
Trailer parks are the first to go.
Banks taking up the properties?
Canadian fires are man made, intentionally set!
Made up terminology to support their lies "Fire season" is just fear porn made up BS
Man made Aerosols spraying do dry out trees…electrical power lines are the new huge threat for these areas …their goal-Setting us up electric grid black outs, and force people into enslaved 15 minute cities, population control, limit the food supply.
MSM just fabricating BS cause of climate change (no science, just fear porn) for complete control, stealing your property, destroying your food supply…move you into the future 15 minute cities..
Robert Brame is a forensic arborist who has analyzed 38 California fires and has come up with hundreds of photographic evidence of IMPOSSIBLE normal fire behavior.