Anonymous ID: b95bbe July 28, 2023, 7:57 p.m. No.19260517   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0723


Utter bullshit, looked the stuff up, found these:


Zohar 168 talking about a wedding

Prologue: Verse 168

Rabbi Shimon addressed the friends, saying, 'Members of this wedding, let each of you adorn the Bride with a certain decoration of his'. He said to Rabbi Elazar his son: 'Elazar, present the Bride with a gift! So that on the following day, when He, ZEIR ANPIN, enters under the bridal canopy followed by the songs and praises that the members of the bridal canopy offered her, you may stand before Him.


Bava Kama 107-113 talks about repayment of a loan


Translation:Shulchan Aruch/Choshen Mishpat/425

In all capital cases today, we do not have the ability to give lashes, to force into exile, to kill or to beat. Rather, we would excommunicate the wrongdoer and separate him from the public. This is all technical law. If, however, the court sees that the time demands and that a fence must be created, they can punish how they want, as was discussed above in Siman 2. This is only for capital cases that require a court. With respect to those that are killed without a court, however, we still judge those today, as will be discussed.