You WILL own nothing, and be Happy?
"It had to be this way…"
Is that the only drop, that was to be taken literally? Since everything was coded, moves and counter moves, couldn't tell the enemy, blah, blah.
26 seems code. Unless Patriot is also kayfab for evil ones, since everything is backasswards.
Nov 01, 2017 1:41:54 AM EDT
Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No. 147449624
Think about it logically.
The only way is the military. Fully controlled. Save & spread (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker).
Biggest advanced drop on Pol.
Maid in ChYnA
Always wondered if "Saving Israel for last" was a double meaning for SHERIFF SCOTT ISREAL.
These mental Screw jobs, kicked off a LOT of problems, MK Ultra/Monarch Tech still HIDDEN from Public Knowledge
But, but, but, thought it was all saline.
Old enough to remember when X's were easier to understand the level of the screw job.
XXX-rated is a rating that signifies stronger more intense sex scenes then just an X-rating or an XX-rating
A rating for an adult movie.
A way to categorize a movie that has strong sexual content.
Pornography started using multiple X's (i.e. XX, XXX, etc.) to give the impression that their film contained more graphic sexual content intended only for viewing by adults, usually legally defined as people over the age of 18 or 21.
XXX-rated porno's are more extreme porno's.
That movie had so much sex in it that it should have been XXX-rated.
>January 7
>December 25
Well this is Dasting.
Caught the obvious 17 reference and the Satanic twisting of it in OUR culture to 12.25
So what's the difference?2 weeks?(kek.)
Abut, Uh, there's MOAR!
Spoopy Bird Story. Black Swan? When does a Bird Sing? (Never if it's ded)
Experts sound the alarm after rare appearances of ‘devil bird’ in New York: ‘We must act now’
Some birdwatchers in New York State are getting a rare treat, as a type of bird that has almost never been seen in the area has suddenly started making appearances. But those appearances may be becoming less rare, and they may not actually be all that much of a treat.
One anhinga, also known as a “devil bird,” has been spotted in Brooklyn’s Prospect Park, to the delight of New York City’s birdwatchers.
The word anhinga, which comes from the Tupi Indians in Brazil, roughly translates to “devil bird” or “evil spirit of the woods,” according to Anhingas swim partially submerged in water, leaving only their snakelike head visible from the surface.
And while one bird alone doesn’t make a trend, another birdwatcher in Rome, New York, 180 miles north of the city, has reported stumbling across a group of 22 Anhingas hanging out together next to a canal.
According to a New York County Birders Twitter account, the Prospect Park anhinga is the first of its kind to be spotted in New York City since 1992.
Experts told the New York Times that the anhingas are venturing outside of their normal migration range due to rising temperatures as a result of the overheating of our planet.
As our planet continues to overheat, due in large part to our usage of dirty energy sources, like coal, oil, and methane gas, animals’ habitats and migration patterns are affected, causing a ripple effect throughout various ecosystems.
According to the Audubon Society, “Highly and moderately vulnerable birds may lose more than half of their current range — the geographic area where they live — as they are forced to search for suitable habitat and climate conditions elsewhere.”
Additionally, birds being forced into new habitats causes competition for resources among species that previously would never have had to interact.
As fun as it may be to see a new type of bird at your local park, it does not bode well for our planet.
Moar gaslighting fuckery
>We are ushering in a brave new world using deception. Some things never change.
Some people, chose for us, that we should be privy to 40% truth. That is all. Think about that. Just ponder why that would be, and how that benefits future generations. What drops asked what happens to people, when they wield control over others.