Anonymous ID: 0ff4f1 July 29, 2023, 10:27 a.m. No.19263009   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3015 >>3085 >>3181

So, I just learned about XY females, even ones that have functional female organs. It's called Swyer Syndrome. There's also some other variations.


Mix that with Parthenogenesis, which apparently happens in human females, but doesn't result in viable embryos for some science reasons.


But say the possibility for a viable embryo is there…or perhaps higher likelihood exists in one of these Swyer females, which you would have to be to produce a male through Parthenogenesis…and boom, Virgin Mary and Jesus.


Trust the Science. Kek.

Anonymous ID: 0ff4f1 July 29, 2023, 10:46 a.m. No.19263105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3113


>did you say 'trust the psyop?'

maybe, if the science has been planted for decades.


I'm just saying that Parthenogensis exists in many animals, even in mammals, but it's not viable in mammals. If you didn't know, it's when females of a species reproduce without a male, but they can only reproduce females. "The self-activated “embryo” will create rudimentary bone and nerve, but there are some tissues, such as skeletal muscle, that it cannot make, preventing further development. Instead, it becomes a type of benign tumour called an ovarian teratoma." In other species, like bees, male worker bees can reproduce too. When it's male only it's called arrhenotoky. When it's both male and female, it's called deuterotoky.


XY females are another thing though. Swyer Syndrome is when the XY female develops functional female reproductive organs.


I'm just saying that it seems like these rare anomalies exist and if you combine the two, you can get a potential explanation of a virgin human female giving birth to a boy…just in this case, that would mean that the Virgin Mary was an XY female…or a boy with female parts. Kek.


As for the trans narrative, we should start genetically testing people and getting some data rather than just allowing people to go hard right or left ideologically. I think the vast majority of this shit is a social pandemic, but there's bound to be research that would blow up both and all narratives and perhaps even expose some environmental/chemical/social stress, etc. factors that could have contributed to the explosion of gender BS. Biological, social, and environmental factors trigger this behavior in other animals, why not open to the potential for crazy shit in humans? Ideology/Dogma?

Anonymous ID: 0ff4f1 July 29, 2023, 10:47 a.m. No.19263117   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Mary went on to have many other children after the birth of Jesus. She had them with her husband Joseph. They were all of Jesus' half brothers and sisters.


That situation doesn't impede the ability to get pregnant the normal way.

Anonymous ID: 0ff4f1 July 29, 2023, 11:10 a.m. No.19263238   🗄️.is 🔗kun




You're throwing the science baby out with the bathwater. You say yourself that you won't even read it, much less consider it. That's some ignorant shit right there.


All I am saying is that there are gender anomalies in nature: variations of asexual reproduction and weird gender combinations. Another example, most humans have 46 chromosomes, but some have 45, some 47, etc.


I was just pairing two well-studied things and nature and applying them to a hypothesis around a human male birth from a female, in that case, and XY female, but there could be other explanations. Even in the more mythological explanation that "the Holy Spirit did it", that doesn't rule out a mechanism that we could discover and understand millennia later.


Moreover, if these things are true, it might help to explain the last 100 years of feminist interest in parthenogensis and wanting to get rid of men. It might help to explain the distress of gender dysphoric people looking for answers and, by not getting them, turning violent against society. And mostly, why Epstein and others were/are so obsessed with genetic shit. There exist species that are entirely female. Did they have males in the past but the males are all gone now so the females adapted? Are the WEFers trying to produce a female only species? A XY female only species? An army of genetic mutants that don't need to rely on intercourse to reproduce?


Answers to those questions, I think, are useful in our common endeavor to understand the mind of our common enemy at the very least.

Anonymous ID: 0ff4f1 July 29, 2023, 11:33 a.m. No.19263348   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I don't fully understand it, but seems YUGE


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