Anonymous ID: 14c82a July 29, 2023, 9:30 a.m. No.19262739   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2743

"TRUMP CARD" seems to be intentionally highlighted or emphasized within the artwork of mid-1800s piece by Charles Delschau


See youtube link at 28:42:


Blind Spot: Charles Dellschau and His Extraordinary Sonora Aero Club


In the early 20th century, a man named Charles Albert August Dellschau, a Prussian immigrant living in Texas, began creating a series of illustrated memoirs. The memoirs and artworks depicted his involvement with a mysterious group called the Sonora Aero Club in California during the 1850s. According to Dellschau, this secret society of airship builders, led by a man named Peter Mennis, made significant advancements in aviation, using a substance called "Supe" that allowed their airships to float and fly. The club, shrouded in secrecy, met in Sonora, discussing flight mechanics and engaging in clandestine activities.


However, Dellschau's work has been met with skepticism, as some question its authenticity and consider it more likely to be an imaginative art project in his later years rather than a factual historical account. While elements of his drawings and machinery appear precise and realistic, the fantastical and fictional nature of some of the stories raises doubts about the truthfulness of his claims. The existence of the Sonora Aero Club and its advanced airship technology remains a mystery, and conspiracy theorists have connected it to various outlandish ideas, such as breakaway civilizations and connections to figures like the Nazis and Nicola Tesla. Ultimately, the true nature of Dellschau's work and the Sonora Aero Club remains uncertain, leaving room for speculation and intrigue.

Anonymous ID: 14c82a July 29, 2023, 10:09 a.m. No.19262911   🗄️.is 🔗kun


China issues red alert for torrential rain in Beijing


AFPJuly 29, 2023 7:44 am


China’s weather service on Saturday issued a red alert for torrential rain in the capital Beijing and surrounding provinces, as Typhoon Doksuri swept inland bringing hazardous weather conditions to many parts of the country.


Doksuri smashed into southern Fujian province on Friday morning with gusts of up to 175 kilometres per hour (110 miles per hour), and China’s meteorological service said Saturday its “influence” was now being felt in the country’s north.


China has been experiencing extreme weather conditions and posting record temperatures this summer, events that scientists say are being exacerbated by climate change.


Experts have warned Saturday’s downpour could prompt even worse flooding than in July 2012, when 79 people died and tens of thousands were evacuated, according to local media.


It is the first time since 2011 that such a heavy rainfall warning has been issued, local media said.


The red alert will be in force from 8 pm local time (1200 GMT), and covers an area of several hundred million inhabitants, including the metropolis of Tianjin, and the provinces of Hebei and Shandong.


Several of Beijing’s parks, lakes and riverside roads have been closed out of precaution, the municipal authorities announced on Saturday.


Heavy showers were reported in the capital on Saturday afternoon and are expected to last through Tuesday.


In Fujian’s provincial capital on Saturday authorities ordered residents to only leave their homes only if necessary.


Public transport has also been suspended.


Doksuri had been a super typhoon as it tore across the Pacific Ocean earlier this week, but lost some intensity as it neared the Philippines.


The typhoon killed at least 13 people there, and caused landslides and floods before tracking northwest to China and gradually weakening.


It still brought colossal waves and howling winds to the country’s southeast on Friday, causing significant damage.


In Xiamen, a major port city on the Taiwan Strait, heavy weather appeared to have ripped the roof off of a bus station and pushed it up against a nearby sign.


Some streets in the city were strewn with fallen trees, while significant flooding elsewhere impeded passage by vehicles and brought police to the scene.


Pictures shared on social media showed massive gusts of wind pummelling residential tower blocks on Friday in Jinjiang, a county-level urban area south of the city of Quanzhou.


Videos of huge waves crashing over embankments and fierce winds whipping through urban areas were posted to the social media platform Weibo by the state-backed People’s Daily.


The stormy weather follows weeks of record heat in China.


At the beginning of July, Beijing and the surrounding region broke temperature records, with local temperatures in excess of 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit).

Anonymous ID: 14c82a July 29, 2023, 10:18 a.m. No.19262963   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3312 >>3444

US says Shoigu looking for weapons in North Korea


AFPJuly 29, 2023 7:11 am


Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Saturday said that the United States believes Russia’s defence minister is in North Korea to secure supplies of weapons to aid the stalled invasion of Ukraine.


Following Sergei Shoigu’s arrival on a rare trip to Pyongyang, Blinken said that Russia is scrambling to buy arms from allies across the world.


“I strongly doubt he’s there on holiday,” Blinken told reporters in Australia.


“We’re seeing Russia desperately looking for support, for weapons, wherever it can find them to continue to prosecute its aggression against Ukraine,” he said.


“We see that in North Korea, we see that as well with Iran, which has provided many drones to Russia that it’s using to destroy civilian infrastructure and killed civilians in Ukraine.”


While in North Korea, Shoigu met the country’s leader Kim Jong Un, in what Pyongyang’s state media described as “a friendly talk.”


Russia, a historic ally of North Korea, is one of a handful of nations with which Pyongyang maintains friendly relations.

Anonymous ID: 14c82a July 29, 2023, 10:23 a.m. No.19262987   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3312 >>3444

Worldcoin crypto already under scrutiny in Europe


Less than a week after its launch, the Worldcoin crypto project of OpenAI chief executive Sam Altman is already under scrutiny by European regulators over its reliance on an eye scan to verify a user’s identity, France’s data protection agency said Friday.


Worldcoin’s launch on Monday comes as the cryptocurrency industry is suffering hard times after the spectacular collapse of FTX and various legal cases against the sector’s biggest players.


Using eye scans, it tries to solve one of the main challenges facing the crypto industry: a level of anonymity so high that makes it vulnerable to scams and spam bots — which AI threatens to make exponentially worse.


But Worldcoin’s collection of biometric data could run afoul of strict data privacy rules in Europe.


“Worldcoin has begun to collect data in France… which seems questionable as does the conservation of biometric data,” France’s CNIL data regulator told AFP.


After conducting an initial review, CNIL said it identified its counterpart in the German state of Bavaria as the lead agency in Europe to conduct a probe into Worldcoin, and said it supports their investigation.


Worldcoin in fact began operating in June in Germany, which is the home country of co-founder Alex Blania.


Bavaria’s data protection agency had no immediate comment when contacted by AFP on Friday.


With its cryptocurrency and identification system Worldcoin aims to create the “world’s largest identity and financial public network,” according to its website.


Altman and Blania said earlier this week in a letter posted to Twitter, which is being renamed X, that the Worldcoin offers “a reliable solution for distinguishing humans from AI online while preserving privacy”.


This will in turn enable Worldcoin as a blockchain-based technology to drastically increase economic opportunity and enable democratic processes.


Blockchains are distributed databases that facilitate the verification and traceability of transactions.


They can offer lower costs and faster data transfer while ensuring secure transactions, although the most famous blockchain that powers the cryptocurrency Bitcoin, is notorious for being slow and expensive as it requires huge computer processing power to validate transactions as part of its system to reward processors with new bitcoins.

Anonymous ID: 14c82a July 29, 2023, 11:20 a.m. No.19263293   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3298 >>3304 >>3311 >>3317








According to MY sources at the FBI




It is possible that next week Obama will be charged with complicity in the murder of Tafari Campbell







#TafariCampbell #Obama

Anonymous ID: 14c82a July 29, 2023, 11:22 a.m. No.19263298   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3312 >>3444










Inside sources say the former President was never questioned by police in the death of Tafari Campbell.


"They were told Barack would not be amused."

