Does Jack ever wait until the end of the song to pop out of the box?
Gateway Experience
Gateway to Fantasylandโฆ
Multiple meanings
Not all roads lead to Rome, maybe, unless the Vatican basement is full all my old porn mags my mom stole.
"Two 10 minute breaks and minimum wage is good enough. We provided a smoke-free environment and pizza parties. What else do these lazy slobs want?"
Stop saying it's the JewstUS system.
Hitler hated smokers and disabled people while screaming Cleanse Gremany" while hopped up on Meth, all controlled by his Doctor and his Doctors Alma Mater.
The NAZIs are the ANTZ
Anti Nicotine & Tobacco Zealots
Smokers are the Nicolations, who everyone hates.
What does the Talmud say about paying taxes to the church for seminal emissions?
How many goats do I gotta kill for jacking off to a Hustler?
What's this mean?
The Talmud also described procedures in case a man emitted semen (permissibly or otherwise). It states that one who experienced an emission of semen is required by the Torah to immerse in water in order to be allowed to consume from a heave offering or sacrifice.
Octo = 8
October = 10th month
Why is Julius Caesar still in charge of the calendar?
Does 7 days make One weak?
One day at a time.
But, thats totally not a part of the control matrix, which we need to shut up about because We The People are spooky sheep and world would die and stuff.
Got it.
A Military Doctor in a Flightsuit with Stars is the 1% of the 1% of the 1% of the 1%
What are the odds?