Stay jewy!
Gatekeeper Dart filtering Truth, as always! Filthy inferior Jewbrat!
Where the Jews are at the helm there is no free speech!
>They worship Osler
>Both the Doctors & the Dentists
>2 snakes
> - Dr Os
>Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump
JewSA, JewSA, JewSA…
Fucking Kikemerica douchebags!
Oy vey, truth hurts if you are a filthy hooknosed Kikebrat Dart!
(((ADL))) is a bunch of hooknosed (((pedophiles)))!
Reporting hooknosed Mongrel brat Dat for filtering! Very jewy thing Dart!
Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill are filthy typical Jews!
>It's time to get tough with these talkers.
Aye, he is a filthy Kike, look at his fathers hooknose!
Filthy fuckwit is khasarian heritage!
STFU filthy Jew!
Here a pic of filthy judaized Alice!