The U.S. Deep State Supreme Court - a Primer
The following information seeks to demonstrate the Deep States religious preference. This information does not seek to Divide by Religion but to merely show that the Deep State appears to favor one Religion.
The Deep State appears to have chosen Catholicism as it's preferred Religion.
This information is not dividing by Religion but merely stating Facts and it appears that the Deep State is using Religion, especially Catholicism, and the notion that any Religious information is Division, to hide behind.
This information is simply Information. The Movement, according to Q, the drops, is not R v D yet what goes on all day long? So should researchers Divide by Political Affiliation? No, but we can somewhat Discern via Political Affiliation.
So Researchers can also Discern using Race, Religion and any other metric that appears to be connected. Do not allow this perception of Division to prevent your research ability. Try they must. Fail they will…
POTUS recently claimed that Bad Past Advisors were largely responsible for any Trump administration failures and that he now knows who to trust and thus no longer has to depend on Bad Past Advisors.
6 of the 9 Supreme Court Justices were nominated by Deep State Presidents and seated by Deep State Senators.
6 of the 9 Supreme Court Justices are Roman Catholic.
Gorsuch is Anglican or Roman Catholic Lite.
The Fact that 66% of the current Supreme Court is Roman Catholic yet the United States is 40% Protestant, 20% Catholic and 2% Jewish is no Coincidence.
All of the Roman Catholic Supreme court Justices were sponsored and greatly supported by two powerful political "King Makers" Leonard Leo and Harlan Crow.
Who is Harlan Crow? keywords/names Member Bohemian Grove > Bohemian Club > Collects Nazi memorabilia because he hates Fascism so much > Clarence Thomas > Gifts > Vacations > George Bush
Trammell Crow Company Crow Holdings > Club for Growth > American Enterprise Institute > No Labels > St. Kitts and Nevis > Brother Trammel Crow >
Who is Leonard Leo? keywords/names King Maker > Sovereign Military Order ofMalta> Federalist Society > Clarence Thomas > Steven Calabresi > Steve Bannon > Liberty Central > Virginia Thomas > the Catholic Association >
Charles Koch and Rebekah Mercer BH Group > CRC Advisors > The 85 > Concord Fund > United States Commission on International Religious Freedom > National Catholic Prayer Breakfast > Kellyanne Conway >
Judicial Education Project >Virginia Thomas Brent Bozell > Media Research Center > Ralph Reed > Faith and Freedom Coalition > Brooks Brothers, check out that Logo