Many a fella been bit by a dead reptiod. Alost of their mind is in what we would call the autonomic nervous system. Capable of reason but free from the judgements of concience. Reptiods have no big forebrain with high O2 requirements to lose function when the heart stops.
Reptiods act fast and remain capable of responding to stimulus hours after death.
We humans dont actually do much reasoning in the forebrain but our decisions are morally evaluated and we keep a score for conscience even when we think we dont.
If our line of work requires taking life we want our kills to be righteous. Motivation and morale go to hell when they're not.
Sneks, on the other hand have no such in their view unneccessay capacity. Snel acts. Right and wrong are preoccupations of prey, as is the idea of justice.
The real reps cant pack a conscience, their nervous system wont accomodate it, they do think rationally but decisions are always tactical with no moral componet.
Human minions, fellow travellers and uselful idiots at high levels do have conciences and when they see their first infant necropolis some, like the Dutch Illuminated banker do try to break away.