Anonymous ID: c17231 June 27, 2018, 11:04 a.m. No.1926682   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6780 >>7035 >>7058 >>7089

Anons, I see a lot of talk about redpilling normies, and I wonder about redpilling the non-normies – the ones who’ve known for years that corruption has us in a strangle-hold, that the media lies to us, that 9/11 was an inside job, but who have been targeted by the Soros machine and are still deeply conditioned by the leftist narrative. No one I know watches or trusts MSM, but they still think they "know" that Trump is a threat to humanity.


These are the people who (((they))) hoped to use to start a race war. Some of them will be in the 4-6% lost to us because the mindfuk is too deep. But those who can break free will be our strongest, most vocal, and most influential allies once they realize they’ve been used and deceived. (I suspect the guy who made the walkaway video is one of these).


Any thoughts on how to get our message out to radical left/anarchos/whatever – like, where they hang out on the interwebs, or how best to communicate with them? I am not an internetfag so I don’t know these things… I am only here because Q.


But I know these types of people, and I know this is the awakening they’ve been hoping and praying for – they just don’t know it yet.


IMHO this could be a strategic place to focus our redpilling efforts.

Anonymous ID: c17231 June 27, 2018, 11:28 a.m. No.1927234   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7310 >>7348

Thoughts on the use of archetypes in this psyop war:


Manipulation of archetypes have been a major weapon used by the cabal in constructing the liberal narrative. They have systematically twisted and undermined the Sacred Male Principle (Father, King) and stripped it of everything good and noble. What they’ve left us with is The Oppressive Patriarch – the shadow of the Wise King or Strong Protector archetype, who epitomizes the abusive father. They have tried to steal and destroy all positive attributes of masculine strength, leaving us with The Tyrant as our only model of masculine power.


They have been carefully crafting this for years – subverting the Wise King and reinforcing the Tyrant – so they would have it ready as a defense against any Strong Protector who stood to challenge them. This is why so many people are kneejerk afraid of Trump – his image, voice etc has been hooked into the Tyrant archetype. And many people have had personal experiences of this dynamic IRL (abusive fathers, bosses, partners), which makes it even more effective.


We need to reclaim strong, benevolent masculine archetypes – the protector, the good father. How can we rehabilitate masculine power? Are there ways we can depict Trump that bolster the Wise King and shreds the link to the Tyrant archetype?