>Transgender Murderer Who Killed His Two Babies Will Receive Taxpayer-Funded Breast Implants in Women’s Prison
Women wanted equal rights and the men looking for some pussy because they couldn't get any also pushed equal rights.
>Transgender Murderer Who Killed His Two Babies Will Receive Taxpayer-Funded Breast Implants in Women’s Prison
Women wanted equal rights and the men looking for some pussy because they couldn't get any also pushed equal rights.
>It would be a shame if the other prisoners managed to chisel out a millstone and use a rope over the rafters to use it as a counter-weight.
The dude was clearly a liberal democrat who was worried about global warming and climate change and decided to kill two babies.
I, myself, a liberal democrat, encourage other liberal democrats to kill their off-spring.
RRN is better than CNN at accurately reporting the news without bias.
CNN is second to RRN.
Maybe you've seen that picture of a clown in the mirror.
Just admit it. RRN is the best news source.
You are a failed abortion. RRN is legit.
>reddit spacing
No wonder Trump lost and the plan failed.
A mom joke. Well done "DIGITAL SOLDIER".
Did you even finish grade 5?
Already reported it.
Look how triggered these QAnon retards get.
These dumb-fuck boomers get so emotional they cannot even spell simple words correctly.
RRN is legitimate because of how much it pisses off the dumb-fuck Qanon boomers.
JIDF has been renamed to ACT-IL you fucking retard. Pay attention.
I'm certainly more legitimate than you. I am Gods chosen you filthy goy.
Change of plans at the head-quarters. My shift is finished at 3PM so I'll be logging off in about 15 minutes.
>[You]'re god is SATAN
That might be true but your spelling suggests that whites are just as retarded as niggers and spics.
We must ensure there isn't a wooden door at Auschwitz this time.
That's not very kosher of you.
Of course my Jew logic doesn't work on you. I am superior to you in everyway.
You do realize that you're is an abbreviation of you are, right?
>[You]'re JEW-LOGIC doesn't work on ME.
You are.
You filthy goyim are so fucking dumb it's disgusting.
>Watching you faggots spat is like
>is like
Is like watching somebody with cerebral palsy getting a colonoscopy.
It's called Metzitzah B'peh and there is nothing wrong with it.
Let me tell you something about some of those Jews. Israel is about to be come 110.
>I'm cutting off [You]'re shekels now.
>I'm cutting off you are shekels now.
Holy fuck you filthy goyim are disgusting trailer park uneducated trash.
But if you knew I was getting shekels, you continued to reply. Just goes to show how truly fucking retarded the goyim are.
Best post this bread.