TYB, for persevering through the traffic.
>>19268258 (lb)
Do they go to church together?
How connected?
TYB, for persevering through the traffic.
>>19268258 (lb)
Do they go to church together?
How connected?
Pediatricians, Dentists, and School Bus drivers get head of the line privileges at the guillotine.
Who's ready to swim in the blood of the Enemy for Peace?
Smartness is a vague term.
An extra sharp blade has a weak edge
A dull blade is great for lettuce
Pointy blades are good for stabbing
Heavy blades are good for chopping
Is any knife really "evil"?
This isn't really news.
The English ate the Egyptian mummies until there were barely any enough left to sell tickets to see at the museum.
The Gruesome History of Eating Corpses as Medicine
The question was not “Should you eat human flesh?” says one historian, but, “What sort of flesh should you eat?”
Maria Dolan May 6, 2012
The last line of a 17th century poem by John Donne prompted Louise Noble’s quest. “Women,” the line read, are not only “Sweetness and wit,” but “mummy, possessed.”
Sweetness and wit, sure. But mummy? In her search for an explanation, Noble, a lecturer of English at the University of New England in Australia, made a surprising discovery: That word recurs throughout the literature of early modern Europe, from Donne’s “Love’s Alchemy” to Shakespeare’s “Othello” and Edmund Spenser’s “The Faerie Queene,” because mummies and other preserved and fresh human remains were a common ingredient in the medicine of that time. In short: Not long ago, Europeans were cannibals.
Define: The Military
Is that like "The Jews"?
How many Branches?
How many Divisions?
How many different uniforms and regs?
PS, the Marines don't really claim "full brotherhood" with the military, They evolved from the Continental Marines who kicked the English's ass.
WHO really "won" the war for the Crown?
In March of 1776, Nicholas led his men on the first landing on a hostile shore in Marine Corps history when he led approximately 210 Marines on a raid of Nassau on the Island of New Providence in the Bahamas. The raid, while not as successful as initially hoped for, did succeed in capturing the town, along with a large number of guns, mortars, and gun powder. March also saw the first Marine combat death, that of Lieutenant John Fitzpatrick.
A month later, in April of 1776, John Martin, enlisted to serve aboard the USS Reprisal, making him the first of at least 12 African-American Marines to serve during the Revolutionary War.
In January of 1777, Continental Marines joined with George Washington's Continental Army to defeat the British at the Battle of Princeton in New Jersey, marking the third defeat in 10 days for the British, raising morale among American troops and inspiring more young men to join the fight against the British.
A year later, in January of 1778, Captains John Rathburn and John Trevett led a second raid on Nassau, once again capturing it. Their victory marked the first time the "Stars and Stripes" (the American flag) was raised over foreign soil.
In April of that same year, Marines under the command of John Paul Jones made two daring raids on British soil, once at the port of Whitehaven, in northwest England, the second later that day at St. Mary's Isle in southwest Scotland.
Eat moar crayons
Oslerianism (For the Good of Society)
Hand of the King: "Maester, the corpses are overflowing the cemetery, the people are starving, and the King is sick of it all. What shall we tell the King?"
Maester: "Bring a corpse to the Great Hall and have a select piece roasted for the King. When he delights in our meal, he'll surely ask for more for the whole table. Tell him the scent is from a rare herd cultivated solely for the King and his family that will ensure THEY live long health lives. Special Reserve…"
The Hand: "Ingenious solution, Maester. As always. Who shall we pick to be King next?"
"We rolled away the Stone (again, hehe), and Poof, like Magic, the Body was gone!!!"
Meanwhile, back at the bat cave: "Num, Num, Num, pass me a thigh. This is some Tasty Jesus. Burrrrp."
Trips get no love
Faggots, noticed.
Maple syrup was a pretty ingenious condiment, so Bravo for that, you wacky Canadians.
"Some people claim a long dry aging process improves the flavor of the meat that underlies the thick rind of mold that forms on the primal cuts. Like a well aged Emmental."
One should probably avoid the tree of knowledge though.
Bridges carry traffic
Like pipelines
Bridges go over
Pipelines go under
But same same in metaphor
This evil shit.
Toxic Positivity.
Sometimes, to release prevent Dark Matter implosions, one needs to say, "Fuck the fuck off, in a loud, and forceful manner." It's good for the constitution.
The 2311s discover the Exit door of the Gym from time to time it seems.
So we draw these invisible lines.
Then, we charge people for crossing them.
But, if they join our club, and pre-pay, they can confess and get off scot-free?
And we use the membership fees to pay the Cops?
The Temple of the LAW of profits.
"Can we smoke here?"
"No, the Surgeon General said so"
"Who the fuck is that Faggot to tell Marines what to do?"
Unsolicited medical advise != Doctor's Orders
Warning, Fire Hazard
OMG, cigarettes are raping infants!!!!
"And then they're gonna cut it off!"