Obliterated Deepstate Dumbcunts.
Aces anon, on the screws.
Rough month for the Wicked, two full moons.
TurkeY shoot.
It happens.
He's wearing a fuckin pinney.
Some hookers phone take down cities.
Or states.
Others, see what happens.
Eat shit and bark at moon(s)
Good and God won.
Golden hour is upon us.
Eat something.
Expensive fireworks to space?
C'mon man.
Listening the fucking song!!!
Lookout, that's it.
How's the corn lookin?
Stevie Wa-Wa FTW
Let's go.
Guy walks into a bar.
It's gonna happen, patience.
Sun is holding on by thread, the shift ensues.
Small craft, who watches?
Well, her we are.