Anonymous ID: f744d6 July 30, 2023, 5:18 p.m. No.19270579   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0582 >>0601 >>0624 >>0656

Rand Paul announces DOJ criminal referral for Fauci over claims about gain-of-function research


"This directly contradicts everything he said in committee hearing to me," Paul said about Fauci.


Sen. Rand Paul, a Kentucky Republican, announced that he formally sent a criminal referral to the Justice Department regarding Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director.


Paul cited an email from February 2020 in which Fauci wrote that scientists discussed whether COVID-19 was produced through genetic engineering at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.


"This suspicion was heightened by the fact that scientists in Wuhan University are known to have been working on gain-of-function experiments to determine the molecular mechanisms associated with bat viruses adapting to human infection, and the outbreak originated in Wuhan," he wrote in the email, which was published by RealClearNews reporter Philip Wegmann on Saturday.


"This directly contradicts everything he said in committee hearing to me, denying absolutely that they funded any gain-of-function, and it’s absolutely a lie. That’s why I sent an official criminal referral to the DOJ," Paul wrote on Twitter in response to Wegmann's tweet.


During congressional questioning in May, Paul pressed Fauci on gain-of-function research in Wuhan, to which Fauci responded, "I've never lied before Congress."


Fauci also told Paul, who was a practicing ophthalmologist before being elected to Congress: "You don't know what you're talking about."


Paul has heavily criticized Fauci before, including for receiving taxpayer funded security even in retirement.

Anonymous ID: f744d6 July 30, 2023, 5:21 p.m. No.19270598   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0603 >>0624

What Does It Mean To Be 'Metagender' Or 'Demiromantic'? This School District Is Teaching Kids All About It


An Oregon school district is teaching tenth-grade students a variety of gender identities such as “metagender,” as well as the difference between sexual orientation and “romantic orientation,” according to documents obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.


In a sexual education curriculum for tenth graders, Hillsboro School District, the fourth largest district in Oregon, teaches students that sexual orientation, who you are attracted to physically, and “romantic orientation,” who one is romantically attracted to, are separate from one another and do not need to correlate, according to documents obtained by the DCNF. The curriculum, created by teachers and counselors, teaches students the definitions of “panromantic” and “demiromantic,” as different types of “romantic orientations.”


The curriculum defines “panromantic” as someone who is romantically attracted to someone regardless of gender and defines “demiromantic” as when one doesn’t feel romantic attraction “until a close bond is formed.”


The curriculum gives students three examples of how gender identity, sex assigned at birth, gender expression, sexual orientation and romantic orientation can all be different and work together. One example shows an individual named “Cece” who uses she/her pronouns, identifies as a female, has male genitalia, and is both sexually and romantically attracted to men.


Another example shows an individual named “Joey” who uses he/him pronouns, identifies as a male, has male genitalia and is not attracted to men, women or other genders either sexually or romantically. A third example in the curriculum explains an individual named “Casey” who uses they/them pronouns, is intersex, has both a masculine and feminine gender expression, and is not attracted to men, women or other genders, either sexually or romantically.


“Our CSE [Comprehensive Sexuality Education] curriculum was created by teachers and counselors, in collaboration with and adapting resources from the State of Oregon, local community organizations and curriculum publishers,” a Hillsboro School District spokesperson told the DCNF. “You can find a list of the CSE lessons and the Oregon Health Education Standards they meet on our website. Our teachers must teach the standards and are given training and support to do so; however, if they do not feel comfortable or confident in delivering CSE lessons, they can request that other trained staff members do so on their behalf.”


Students are also taught different pronouns aside from “she/her” and “he/him,” including “neutral pronouns” such as “ze/zir” and “they/them,” the curriculum shows. The sexual education curriculum teaches students that they can have gender identities that don’t align with their biological sex including, but not limited to, “metagender,” a person who identifies as neither cisgender nor transgender, and “gender fluid,” which is defined as an identity that varies over time.


Students learn different “romantic orientation” definitions including “biromantic,” which is when one person is romantically attracted to multiple genders, and “aromantic,” which is defined as someone who experiences little to no romantic attraction, the curriculum shows.

Anonymous ID: f744d6 July 30, 2023, 5:24 p.m. No.19270613   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0680



The socialist President of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, has overturned all the policies of former President Jair Bolsonaro that eased access to firearms in Brazil and led to a reduction in crime in the country. Lula’s dictatorial decision confirms his intention to control firearms among citizens in Brazil, as previously anticipated by TGP in May.


The new gun decree introduces new restrictions based on left-wing ideological criteria rather than technical aspects. The new law prevents civilians from acquiring firearms and prohibits citizens from buying .38, .40, .45, ACP, and 9mm caliber guns. Lula has also banned the purchase of semi-automatic firearms.


Those who possess firearms with prohibited calibers will have to sell them to the State. Lula will establish a gun buyback program for the now-prohibited weapons.


Bolsonaro’s gun policy brought positive results for Brazil. Recently, data from the Brazilian Public Security Forum indicated a 2.4% reduction in the number of violent deaths in the country, dropping from 48.4 thousand victims to 47.5 thousand victims.


Despite the positive numbers, Lula has chosen an aggressive gun control policy. His favorable stance towards left-wing dictatorships in Venezuela and Nicaragua has raised concerns among citizens who own firearms, as they fear the dangers of totalitarianism with these gun control policies in Brazil.

Anonymous ID: f744d6 July 30, 2023, 5:26 p.m. No.19270623   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NYC Dept. of Education tech boss resigns following hack of 45K confidential student, staff records


The city’s Department of Education chief technology officer, Anuraag Sharma, has submitted his resignation just weeks after a widespread hack compromised the sensitive information of thousands of students and staffers, sources said.


Sharma, who was paid $207,000, has been the DOE’s top tech chief since 2019, spanning the administrations of former Mayor Bill de Blasio and current Mayor Eric Adams.


Approximately 45,000 students, plus school employees and service providers, were affected in the breach, DOE officials announced last month.


The hack included social security numbers, dates of birth, employee IDs and OSIS numbers — the nine-digit numbers issued to all students who attend a city public school.


Overall,19,000 documents were accessed from the file transfer system MOVEIt, and 9,000 social security numbers were stolen, the DOE said in a letter sent to staff.


Last year, the personal data of 820,000 current and former city students was compromised in a hack.


One insider said Sharma was well regarded — and insisted the departure was voluntary and unrelated to the recent data breach.


Sharma’s been employed by the city for nearly 20 years, previously serving as chief information officer for the departments of design and construction, and youth and community development.


Before that, he worked for the Health Department for 10 years, serving as assistant commissioner for IT solutions and delivery, according to his LinkedIn page.


Sharma’s the latest top ed official in the Adams administration to jump ship or be forced out.


Michael Vaughn, the $222,972 communications chief at the DOE, recently quit in the wake of a series of public relations missteps.


He joined the city school system in August of 2022.


Schools Chancellor David Banks and the DOE also “parted ways” with Savita Bharadwa, the chief strategy officer, who took home $213,000 a year.


In March, Florida-import Desmond Blackburn, Banks’ deputy chancellor for leadership, left the DOE after one year in the $265,000 job.


Banks had named Adams’ longtime girlfriend Tracey Collins as a “special advisor” to Blackburn, giving her a 23% raise to $221,597 a year.


The DOE and Adams office declined to comment.

Anonymous ID: f744d6 July 30, 2023, 5:34 p.m. No.19270658   🗄️.is 🔗kun

As of 03/31/2023, below is a summary of the Vanguard Group Inc. top holdings by largest position size, as per the latest 13f filing made by Vanguard Group Inc.. In the Vanguard Group Inc.-top-holdings-table below, each of the top holdings by name is presented in the first column, followed by the amount of shares held by Vanguard Group Inc

Anonymous ID: f744d6 July 30, 2023, 5:39 p.m. No.19270689   🗄️.is 🔗kun

As of 03/31/2023, below is a summary of the BlackRock Inc. top holdings by largest position size, as per the latest 13f filing made by BlackRock Inc.. In the BlackRock Inc.-top-holdings-table below, each of the top holdings by name is presented in the first column, followed by the amount of shares held by BlackRock Inc.