Anonymous ID: f13f00 July 30, 2023, 10:17 p.m. No.19271968   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1977

Of all the destruction the Communists have wreaked, they have been most successful at demolishing the Family, beginning with getting God out of everything. They conditioned people to be gluttons for "stuff", therefore rendering other humans disposable (saw this beginning in the '80s when a teen). Me Me ME!!!!!! Gimme more (material) STUFF! Communists attained control of literally everything mainstream, the media being the most potent weapon of it all, for this machine pushed and promoted all of the Communist conglomerates (and products) which addicted people to all the things they should have been running away from.

Currently live in area where less than nothing is expected (human interaction, services, choices, etc. forGET it!), so no disappointment there. Stopped shopping years ago, as am long out of crap to boycott, so no los, just do without.

Family is, perhaps, the hardest aspect of existing in a Communist Country (which Our President is trying to REVERSE) because they can be, and are, crueler than the "friends" who lie and steal. They have remained loyal (addicted) to as much of the Communist crap they can possibly absorb. They will resent you if you are not as addicted to it. Learned about ten years ago to not mention anything about anything, but they remember…

The shit I was trying to warn people of almost two decades ago is now the ONLY choice(s), and they embrace it, having ZERO idea regarding anything. They stayed entertained. They do remember what I'd tried to warn, so they hate me more. Here's the worst part: You can slander flesh and blood (regularly) but do NOT voice displeasure regarding fakebook, amazon… or TV.


They aren't even "libs" or "Dems". All they know is they like desanctus; "Trump shouldn't run again", and there's something wrong with you if you don't like TV; Watch watters, gutfield, etc. and depend on that certain network and its clownshows for "news".

Funny how all the dirty media and "businesses" are always going on about "family", isn't it. They have REPLACED. Notice businesses, especially medical ones, with "Family" in their titles… and family dollar. The Mockingbirds are always talking about their "action news" or whatever "family". This "problem" is not just with Libs. At least they stick together. It's worse within our own. Divide and conquer.

Saw some comments complaining how our President repeats things at his rallies. I reckon if ONE relative would ever get online to watch one, it will be the first time they'd ever heard what he speaks of. They watch faux, though - and If faux don't confirm it, it don't exist!

It's like here. Frequent anons aren't the only ones here. Always new eyes….

Anonymous ID: f13f00 July 30, 2023, 10:58 p.m. No.19272146   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2184

Regarding that fucking piece of shit, levin – when's his BOOK about his "Defiant Hero" Zelinsky hitting the shelves? Does that windbag point out the fact that these COMMUNIST HOAXES against our President are to distract from all the BIDAN CORRUPTION?

Uh-oh, but War-Mongering NWO Mockingbird levin's PRECIOUS ukraine is involved in that one!!! Fucking SEWAGE. There wouldn't BE corrupt "judges" and Communist "prosecutors" if there were anything resembling a legitimate NEWS source to report shit they should have been blasting YEARS ago.