Yet another DEMENTED JEW.
Expulsion when?
Any credible judge would toss these cases for a multitude of reasons.
They won's do that.
You can guess why.
If not, it has to do with jews and boomers.
Just sayin'.
do not underestimate the evil of the jews or the UTTER STUPIDITY of the boomers and their PATHETIC OFFSPRING.
In other words, don't count your chickens until they have hatched, especially if all of your eggs are in one basket.
Right back at ya, retard.
What rally, retard?
Israel warns EU country about burning their Satanic jew books/
Every year around halloween, I print out the entire Talmud. I have reduced the text to number 1 font.
Then, I print that fucker out and it takes just over a bold of paper.
Then, I burn the fucking thing.
Fuck the SATANIST jews and their Boomer minions!
Mad? Do you mean angry?
Do you know that words actually have meaning?
Mad? No.
Angry? No.
Fighting the Satanist jews and their minions on the spiritual level? YES!