We don't call upon governments to censor Harari's voice, but Harari is calling upon governments to censor Anon's voices.
We don't call upon governments to censor Harari's voice, but Harari is calling upon governments to censor Anon's voices.
>unless they simply want this anon to kill the Payseur DEAD?
Go fuck yourself, fedboi.
Yes, it is.
"I don't know what his (Biden's) comment is"
"I don't think that's what he said. He never said he hasn't spoken to anyone, he said he had nothing to do with Hunter Biden's business dealings."
Goldman just contradicted himself with those two statements.
Joe Biden DID IN FACT SAY "I have never spoken with Hunter about his overseas business dealings."
Wonder if he's a kiddy diddler.
You're doing the same thing, which makes you…
Anon wonders if Goldman did something that resulted in him being blackmailed into defending the indefensible.
To spew the narrative he's spewing now, he has to know how ridiculously dishonest he sounds, but the choice to speak honestly would result in his own destruction.
STFU Media Matters.
Still the Satanists.
STFU Media Matters.
>WhoTF do you REALLY think they are
People of every backgrounds.
It's a mind virus, not a specific gene or bloodtype.
You seem to be the chickenshit you're describing.
You posted no words here:
Why not?
>What exactly am I doing?
You didn't include any words here:
Then you got angry at your own behavior of not posting words.
>That wasn't even to you.
So you admit to doing exactly what you criticized Anon for doing.
Thanks for playing.
Is this how clowns (who are triggered that they have no control over the narrative here), try to mock the military and Anons?
Kek, sad.
>Anon admits that you interjected yourself into a conversation that you were not a part of
This is an anonymous board, you don't control any of the conversations here, yes Anon knows you're trying, and failing.
>and tried to say Anon was "doing something" but wouldn't say what it was exactly that Anon was doing.
Anon will slow it wayyyyyy down then.
This Anon spoke to DISTRACTIONS:
Then you posted this (now deleted):
Which has a specific filename, and a caricature meme, but no words.
I then replied to that here:
Where I said you were doing the same thing as the post you replied to.
Clear as mud now or are you still triggered?
That's fake news.