Pizza-gate was an Apรฉritif, to wet the Palate
Epstein Island, a Prerequisite Introductory Course
Now comes the Mane Event
Please Ramen Clam
Pizza-gate was an Apรฉritif, to wet the Palate
Epstein Island, a Prerequisite Introductory Course
Now comes the Mane Event
Please Ramen Clam
It's Joever for the Biden Crime Family
There is no Narrative Shift that can save them
The Veil is Broken
Kevin Sorbo?
Things aren't looking so Good for the Biden Crime Family
Narrative Shift in Preproduction
Please Stand-by
Devon Archer confirms Joe Biden was a Key Partner in his Son's Business Deals
Something is Happening
a Happening the likes of which
no happening has ever happened
in the history of all happenings
[Dark Clouds are Gathering]
Good show Dave
just a friendly reminder
you have my Shield of Faith B