one week and still no obituary or funeral announcement for the obama chef
does no one think this is odd?
one week and still no obituary or funeral announcement for the obama chef
does no one think this is odd?
when someone dies in most families, they use a funeral home who posts an obit, and they create a program, and black people are notorious for theatrical and over-the-top. there is NO WAY that the family of this black chef to the obamas were not very proud of him. imo, if this really happened they would share their mourning with the world. they are not.
this is a white hat hoax. no one died.
humans don't change
i have deep relationships with like 2 people outside of my inner family
people can't handle depth and social media has only made it worse
i see an exponential increase in personality disorders within last 5 years and expect this to only worsen