Anonymous ID: e8cb7a July 31, 2023, 11:14 p.m. No.19277769   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7925 >>8040 >>8066 >>8073

Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅



Aug 01, 2023, 12:29 AM



Relish the opportunity to be an outsider


Anonymous ID: e8cb7a July 31, 2023, 11:16 p.m. No.19277790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7939 >>8040 >>8066

Donald J. Trump


In almost every poll, DeSanctimonious loses to Biden, while I am far ahead of Biden. Bret Baier of FoxNews (of course!) should have stated this fact during his SOFTBALL interview of DeSanctus. There are polls showing a 71 to 12 points up margin, but Fox just doesn’t want to go there. Why do you think I’m being Indicted every hour by the Left? I got DeSanctus elected, or he was “dead” at 3%, out of politics. Now he’s GONE once more, even with all of this CRAZY help from Fox - 2016 all over again!

Jul 31, 2023, 11:42 PM

Anonymous ID: e8cb7a July 31, 2023, 11:17 p.m. No.19277796   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7803 >>7939 >>8040 >>8066

Donald J. Trump


MAGA, which is most of the Republican Party, is very angry at FoxNews for continuing to push Ron DeSanctimonious, no personality and all, and guys like Chris Sununu of New Hampshire, who couldn’t even start a presidential run because of zero poll numbers, whose got his father’s look, but not his father’s brain. He was interviewed today on FoxNews and has a serious case, along with Creepy Karl Rove, of Trump Derangement Syndrome, Republican Version. These guys should forget their failures!

Aug 01, 2023, 12:03 AM

Anonymous ID: e8cb7a July 31, 2023, 11:17 p.m. No.19277799   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7803 >>7925 >>8040 >>8066

Donald J. Trump


FoxNews is down 47% in Ratings because they are not MAGA strong and not MAGA SMART. It can be saved, but it won’t be easy!

Aug 01, 2023, 12:15 AM

Anonymous ID: e8cb7a July 31, 2023, 11:18 p.m. No.19277804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7925 >>8040 >>8066

Donald J. Trump



Jul 31, 2023, 10:54 PM


Donald J. Trump: “THE DAM IS BREAKING”


Anonymous ID: e8cb7a Aug. 1, 2023, 12:09 a.m. No.19277992   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8040 >>8066

Oversight Committee






We completed a transcribed interview with Biden associate, Devon Archer.


Archer’s testimony confirms Joe Biden lied to the American people when he said he had no knowledge about his son’s business dealings and was not involved.


Critical takeaways 👇


Oversight Committee




When Joe Biden was Vice President of the United States, he joined Hunter Biden’s dinners with his foreign business associates in person or by speakerphone over 20 times.

Square profile picture

Oversight Committee




Devon Archer testified that the value of adding Hunter Biden to Burisma’s board was “the brand” and confirmed that then-Vice President Joe Biden was “the brand” and that the 20 phone calls were to sell “the brand.”


Oversight Committee




In fact, Devon Archer admitted that “Burisma would have gone out of business if ‘the brand’ had not been attached to it.” Because of the Bidens’ involvement, people would have been intimidated to mess with Burisma legally.

Paul Sperry Retweeted


Oversight Committee


In December 2015, Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of Burisma, and Vadym Pozharski, an executive of Burisma, placed constant pressure on Hunter Biden to get help from D.C. regarding the Ukrainian prosecutor, Viktor Shokin. Shokin was investigating Burisma for corruption.


Oversight Committee




Hunter Biden, along with Zlochevsky and Pozharski, “called D.C.” to discuss the matter. Biden, Zlochevsky, and Pozharski stepped away to make the call. This raises concerns that Hunter Biden was in violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act.


Oversight Committee




Joe Biden was dialed into a dinner in Paris with a French energy company and in China with Jonathan Li, the CEO of BHR. Then-VP Biden also had coffee with Li in Beijing and even wrote a letter of recommendation for college for Li’s daughter.


Oversight Committee




Archer confirmed Joe Biden was referred to as “my guy” by Hunter Biden.


Oversight Committee




In 2014, then-VP Biden attended a business dinner with Hunter & his associates at Café Milano in D.C. Elena Baturina, a Russian oligarch who is the widow of the former mayor of Moscow, was an attendee. Notably, the Biden Admin’s public sanctions do not contain Baturina.

Anonymous ID: e8cb7a Aug. 1, 2023, 12:10 a.m. No.19277998   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7999 >>8002 >>8003 >>8014 >>8040 >>8066

Investigative reporter Julie Kelly digs up concerning dirt on Jack Smith — now, everyone has questions…


There is a feverish 2024 election-interference plot underway to ensure that President Trump is not re-elected to the White House, and one of the key figures leading this plot is a Democrat operative named Jack Smith. Jack will tell you that he’s pursuing Trump because “nobody is above the law” — a laughable catchphrase that the Deep State loves to use to maintain the illusion of a real justice system. Sadly, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Mr. Smith isn’t seeking justice; he’s determined to remove the most popular political figure in U.S. history while ensuring his allies never face any consequences whatsoever. That’s precisely what investigative reporter Julie Kelly unraveled when she delved into Mr. Smith’s sordid past. It turns out that Jack has a history of turning a blind eye to the Biden Boys and their decades-long family-run criminal dynasty.


Here’s what Julie said in her tweet:


Why Did Jack Smith ignore Biden family scandals when he was head of DOJs Public Integrity Section, tasked with investigating political corruption?


In May 2014, the Obama/Biden White House was scrambling to deflect questions related to Hunter Biden’s new gig as a board member at Burisma, the compromised Ukrainian energy conglomerate; the news came just a few weeks after Vice President Joe Biden visited Kiev and promised Ukrainian leaders that the U.S. was “ready to assist” the country’s efforts to accelerate natural gas exploration. (At the time, Burisma was Ukraine’s biggest natural gas producer.)


The day after Burisma issued a public statement boasting about their latest hire, White House press secretary Jay Carney ducked questions about the younger Biden during a May 13, 2014 briefing:


Reporter: On another subject, Hunter Biden has now taken a position with the largest oil and gas company–holding company in Ukraine. Is there any concern about at least the appearance of a conflict there–for the Vice President’s son to take a-


Carney: I would refer you to the Vice President’s office. I saw those reports. Hunter Biden and other members of the Biden family are obviously private citizens and where they work does not reflect an endorsement by the administration or by the Vice President or President. But I would refer you to the Vice President’s office.


Kendra Barkoff, a Biden spokeswoman, offered the same talking points in a terse statement to the media. “Hunter Biden is a private citizen and a lawyer. The vice president does not endorse any particular company and has no involvement with this company.”


During a State Department briefing later that day, Jen Psaki smirked away one question about the vice president’s son, insisting it was of no concern to the agency.


Nevertheless, major news outlets here and around the world continued to raise the improper, if not brazenly pay-to-play, nature of the arrangement. “Vice President Joe Biden’s youngest son Hunter Biden has joined the board of directors of Ukraine’s largest oil company at a time that the U.S. is urging Ukraine to develop energy independence from Russia and just days after the vice president visited Ukraine,” ABC News reported in May 2014, noting the fortuitous timing of the announcement.


“The appointment of the vice president’s son to a Ukrainian oil board looks nepotistic at best, nefarious at worst,” Adam Taylor, Washington Post foreign affairs reporter, surmised in a May 14, 2014 article. “No matter how qualified Biden is, it ties into the idea that U.S. foreign policy is self-interested. [You] have to wonder how big the salary has to be to put U.S. soft power at risk like this.”


And despite Psaki’s spin, State Department officials soon after expressed concern about the “perception of a conflict of interest,” even taking those concerns to Vice President Joe Biden’s office in early 2015.


But one person in official Washington seemed uninterested in the shady deal between a corrupt international gas company operating in a notoriously unstable country and America’s most troubled nepo-baby:


Jack Smith.

Anonymous ID: e8cb7a Aug. 1, 2023, 12:11 a.m. No.19277999   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Jack Smith.


Smith—appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland last year to take over DOJs dual investigations into Donald Trump for alleged mishandling of classified documents and the events of January 6—was named chief of the Department of Justice’s Public Integrity Section, or PIN, in August 2010.


Operating within the criminal division, PIN maintains broad purview over public corruption investigations on the federal, state, and local level including cases tied to “a government official…or someone associated with such an official,” according to the office’s annual report.


Smith held that powerful position until February 2015—meaning Hunter Biden’s years-long board position with Burisma ultimately resulting in a $4 million windfall for the vice president’s son began right under Jack Smith’s nose.


This is certainly contrary to what the public has been told about Jack Smith. The news media, “legal experts” in particular, insist Jack Smith is a no-nonsense federal prosecutor with unmatched integrity and devotion to the rule of law. Smith, according to his former DOJ colleague Andrew Weissmann, is a “consummate professional” and a “skilled and fast prosecutor who does not let the grass grow under his feet.”


So, what happened? How did the keen-eyed, apolitical Smith and his 30-plus lawyers miss what was happening just blocks from their DOJ offices?


Perhaps Smith truly bought Burisma’s spin that the company selected Hunter based on his “expertise” in foreign policy and the law. Or perhaps Smith believed Hunter Biden when he said he would consult Burisma on matters relating to “transparency, corporate governance, and responsibility.” 😂


Maybe Smith was too busy prosecuting Republican governor Bob McDonnell and his wife at the time—a case later overturned by the Supreme Court—that he missed the international headlines of how a British government agency had seized $23 million in assets belonging to Burisma’s owner amid suspicions of money laundering the very same month Hunter was appointed to the board.


Maybe Smith was just a tender heart who thought Hunter quickly turned over a new leaf. After all, Hunter had been discharged from the Naval reserves just three months before the Burisma appointment was announced. Hunter’s misadventures were among the worst kept secrets in Washington but maybe Smith was still reeling from his unsuccessful prosecution of former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards to pay attention to Biden family gossip.


And it wasn’t just the Burisma gig that somehow evaded Smith’s attention; Hunter made his overseas business dealings well known. He, along with fellow nepo-baby Christopher Heinz, stepson of then-Senator John Kerry, launched Rosemont Seneca in 2009.


“Over the next seven years, as both Joe Biden and John Kerry negotiated sensitive and high-stakes deals with foreign governments, Rosemont entities secured a series of exclusive deals often with those same foreign governments,” investigative reporter Peter Schweizer wrote in his 2018 book. (Schweizer also noted that the private-equity firm did not open an office in New York City, the financial capital of the world, but in Washington, D.C., “just two miles from both Joe Biden’s office in the White House and his residence at the Naval Observatory.”)

Anonymous ID: e8cb7a Aug. 1, 2023, 12:11 a.m. No.19278002   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8040 >>8066


Multiple deals were cut as Smith led the government’s most powerful “public corruption” unit. And some of the most lucrative arrangements were with Chinese businesses tied to the Chinese Communist Party, partnerships that just happened to coincide with Hunter’s trips to China with his father. “[The 2013 trip to China] was a triumph for Hunter, who walked away with his first big deal in China—the Bohai Harvest Rosemont investment partnership,” Miranda Devine wrote in her 2021 book, “Laptop From Hell.” Devine explained the deal was consummated on December 16, 2013, “twelve days after he flew into Beijing on Air Force Two. Hunter officially became a shareholder and member of the BHR board.”


Smith probably missed the July 2014 article in the Wall Street Journal touting the private equity partnership with the vice president’s son aimed at enriching the CCP. “The funds are raising a combination of yuan and U.S. dollars. The effort is the latest example [of] private equity pushing boundaries in an area that China hopes will help drive the country’s economic transformation.”


Now, perhaps there was nothing untoward about Hunter Biden’s sudden interest and success at global private equity. But surely the use of Air Force Two to conduct personal business—Hunter accompanied his father on 70 overseas trips including six trips to China on Smith’s watch—should have caught someone’s attention at DOJs “public integrity” unit, no?


The answer, of course, is no.


Was Smith asleep at the switch or intentionally ignorant or once again doing the dirty work of the Democratic Party? Smith have put a stop to the Biden family international shakedown nearly a decade ago–why didn’t he?


At what risk did he put the country by turning a blind eye to this egregious level of influence peddling in nations hostile to American interests?


As Smith eagerly prepares to sign his name to another criminal indictment against Donald Trump for the events of January 6, Hunter Biden’s plea deal with Smith’s employer is falling apart along with further confirmation of how the younger Biden hauled in millions from countries such as China and Ukraine by leveraging his last name to support himself, his addictions, and his family—including, quite possibly, his father as well.


All of this could have been halted in its tracks long ago. And the person primarily responsible for letting it get to this point is none other than Jack Smith.

Anonymous ID: e8cb7a Aug. 1, 2023, 12:11 a.m. No.19278003   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8040 >>8066




Why Did Jack Smith ignore Biden family scandals when he was head of DOJs Public Integrity Section, tasked with investigating political corruption?


In May 2014, the Obama/Biden White House was scrambling to deflect questions related to Hunter Biden’s new gig as a board member at…


— Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 (@julie_kelly2) July 27, 2023


Julie did a fantastic job revealing Jack’s corruption and providing a very clear and concise reason why he and his sham election interference should be ended immediately. However, will anything come of this? Likely not, as many Republicans want to see Trump and MAGA destroyed as much as Democrats do.


Show Julie Kelly some love at her Substack.

Anonymous ID: e8cb7a Aug. 1, 2023, 12:30 a.m. No.19278031   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8033 >>8035 >>8040 >>8066

Tafari Campbell was Reportedly Paddleboarding with a Female Obama Staffer, Sources Say


A week after the tragic drowning of Obama’s personal chef, Tafari Campbell, has uncovered new information about the incident.


Tafari Campbell, 45, met his tragic end while paddle boarding on Great Edgartown Pond, Martha’s Vineyard, on July 23. He was reportedly not alone, but local police have yet to disclose the other person’s identity.


The Gateway Pundit previously reported that dispatch calls between Martha’s Vineyard emergency services confirm the presence of a second paddle boarder with Campbell.


According to a statement from the Massachusetts State Police reported by MassLive, the unidentified paddleboarder tried to swim to Campbell but tragically, “did not reach him in time.”


After the failed rescue attempt, the individual managed to swim back to shore and alerted someone who then called 911.


A female made the initial 911 call, who, as of 8:18 pm, was actively searching for Campbell on a boat.


Source: Edgartown Police Department


Oddly, the call log shows the reason for this call as BLANK – an inconsistency, considering that all other calls made that night had their reasons clearly mentioned.


Adding to the mystery, the call’s origin was marked as Wilson’s Landing, a popular paddle board launch site roughly two miles from the Obama residence on Turkeyland Cove. This information contradicts the Massachusetts State Police records, stating that the first call originated from the Obamas’ residence.


According to sources who spoke with Daily Mail, a female staff member of Barack Obama was with Campbell during the unfortunate event.


The unnamed woman, on a separate paddleboard, had attempted to reach Campbell after he fell into the water, but she had to retreat to shore to call for help.


It was a Secret Service agent who made the emergency call from the Obama estate in Edgartown, sources revealed.


Daily Mail reported:


Sources tell that the witness spoke with police at the scene and described her as devastated but also apparently clear-headed and sober.


The multi-agency search continued into the night, with fire companies from across the island descending on Edgartown’s Great Pond with boats and divers, along with Massachusetts state police, the Dukes County Sheriff’s Department and Coast Guard.


The witness directed rescuers to one area where Campbell was thought to have gone under.


Crews diligently searched the location that night but did not find a body. Authorities also searched properties around the pond, in hopes Campbell had possibly made it to shore.


The following morning, Campbell’s body was found by Massachusetts Environmental Police officers using side-scan sonar. Campbell’s body was taken to Wilson’s Landing, the public launch site used as the operation’s command post. A Secret Service agent confirmed the identity of the body as Campbell at the site.


At the time of the tragic accident, Barack and Michelle Obama were not at home. The whereabouts of their daughters, Sasha, 25, and Malia, 22, remain unclear. They were reportedly on the island but not sighted at the scene during the recovery operation.


Authorities have been strict in controlling the release of information about the incident.


In response to queries about the call log, Edgartown Police Chief Bruce McNamee speculated that this might be due to the call being made on a direct line rather than dialing 911, which would automatically generate location data. The address, he added, was listed as Wilson’s Landing since that was the location of the command post, and the exact location of the incident was unclear at the time of the call.


Toxicology reports are still pending, but the incident has so far been ruled a tragic accident. No signs of foul play have been detected. Campbell, who could swim as evidenced by a video he’d previously posted, was found in eight feet deep water without a life jacket and wasn’t tethered to his board.


Despite the tragedy, life goes on for the Obama family. Sasha and Malia Obama left the island on Tuesday, while Barack and Michelle Obama resumed some of their regular activities on Friday.


Michelle was spotted playing tennis at the local Farm Neck country club, andBarack was seen playing golf at the Vineyard Golf Club with bandaged fingers.

Anonymous ID: e8cb7a Aug. 1, 2023, 12:36 a.m. No.19278038   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8041 >>8042 >>8060 >>8066

BOOM! It’s Happening!… Chairman James Comer Spoke with Speaker McCarthy About Impeachment Following Devon Archer Testimony


House Oversight Chairman James Comer joined Greg Kelly on Monday night following the testimony earlier today by Hunter Biden associate Devon Archer in testimony before the committee.


And,Devon Archer sang like a bird. As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier today, Devon Archer was understandably upset when Joe Biden’s Department of Justice arrested him and sentenced him to over a year in prison earlier this year.


On Monday Devon Archer told House investigators that Joe Biden met with Hunter Biden’s clients numerous times, joined into meetings over the phone, and the family was rewarded with tens of millions of dollars for influence peddling and bribery schemes.


On Monday night Chairman Comer told Greg Kelly that Speaker McCarthy called and they discussed steps in impeachment following today’s explosive hearing.


Greg Kelly: How can a guy like this stay in office? You heard Speaker McCarthy. He’s talking about impeachment… If this is bribery, that’s in the Constitution. I mean, do you think he’s going to get impeached? Should he be impeached?


Chairman James Comer: Well, I know how I would vote, but again, that’s a decision for Speaker McCarthy. But I’ll tell you this. Right before I came on the show, speaker McCarthy called me and I gave him a rundown of what was said today. And we talked about steps moving forward. So stay tuned.


Comer added, “It’s like a snowball rolling down hill.”


Boom! It’s happening.


Via Greg Kelly on Newsmax.

Anonymous ID: e8cb7a Aug. 1, 2023, 12:37 a.m. No.19278041   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8042 >>8066



4 hours ago

It's Happening! Chairman James Comer Spoke with Speaker McCarthy About Impeachment Following Devon Archer Testimony



4 hours ago

It's Happening! Chairman James Comer Spoke with Speaker McCarthy About Impeachment Following Devon Archer Testimony
