Anonymous ID: 1318d8 Aug. 1, 2023, 1:33 p.m. No.19280219   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A little whoopsie from Jack Smith's office.


DOJ admits it did not produce all the Mar-a-Lago camera footage to defense counsel in first batches of discovery==despite making that claim in court last month.


This security video story will get no blaring headlines:

Anonymous ID: 1318d8 Aug. 1, 2023, 1:36 p.m. No.19280226   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Deception by Redaction: More FBI FISA Abuses, This Time Using Fake News in the Washington Post


The FBI’s efforts to mislead a federal court in order to wiretap an adviser to the Trump campaign were more extensive than previously reported, according to classified documents described to RealClearInvestigations.


The embattled bureau tried to hide its misconduct by redacting information about its actions under the guise that it involved sensitive intelligence information. RCI has learned that at least some of the redacted material, included in a “Classified Appendix” to Special Counsel John Durham’s final report, has nothing to do with protecting “sources and methods” and other “sensitive” investigative techniques.


Instead, it covers up additional improper behavior by the FBI brass, which initiated and signed off on all four of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act applications to spy on former Trump adviser Carter Page and his contacts within the Trump campaign and presidency in 2016 and 2017.


For example, the FBI tried to justify continuing to spy on Page in early 2017 by indicating to the secret FISA court that it had verified a rumor about Page receiving dirt on Hillary Clinton from the Russian government and facilitating a “well-developed conspiracy of cooperation” with the Kremlin to swing the 2016 election in Trump’s favor. But the bureau had corroborated no such thing. Its source was a front-page report in the Washington Post – one the newspaper later retracted after determining it was false, according to two former U.S. officials who have seen the original, unredacted FISA applications and described the passages to RCI.


The embarrassing revelation hasn’t been previously reported thanks to redactions blacking out references to the Washington Post article in the still-partially classified applications. The officials confirmed to RCI that the censored section covers up the FBI’s reliance on the bogus Post story, published in March 2017, as purported evidence supporting probable cause to continue spying on Trump’s former aide. In the sections of the FISA renewal applications blacking out references to the Post, the officials said, the FBI claimed the underlying text was “sensitive information.” The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss still-classified sections of the FISA warrant affidavits.


The FBI’s references to the Post story are contained in the April and June 2017 FISA applications. These applications were so tainted by bad information, politics, and glaring exculpatory omissions that after an inspector general’s probe, the Justice Department years later had to secretly concede to a federal surveillance court that they were “insufficient” to establish probable cause to spy on Page and therefore “were not valid”


FBI Director Christopher Wray recently told Congress he has instituted a number of reforms in response to the FISA surveillance abuses, yet at the same time, he appears to have tried to hide the full extent of those abuses under redactions.


An FBI spokeswoman said, “We decline comment on this matter.” Attempts to reach Durham, who has closed his office looking into FBI malfeasance, were unsuccessful.

Anonymous ID: 1318d8 Aug. 1, 2023, 1:48 p.m. No.19280269   🗄️.is 🔗kun

It’s Year 5 of the Biden Crime Family Coverup


A truism that came out of the Watergate scandal is that often the coverup is worse than the crime. But that is not the case in the unraveling Bidengate scandal. The alleged crime here is so bad that it is probably the worst ever committed by an American president.


Yet the coverup should be studied, too. It deserves superlatives for its longevity, inventiveness, and sheer audacity. The strategy has been simple: deny, deflect, destroy. Deny the facts. Deflect with distractions, and when all else fails, work tirelessly to destroy Trump, who was among the first to raise questions about the Biden family’s shady dealings. At Year 5, it may be the most successful coverup in modern history, especially since so many of the facts have been in plain sight for the entire time.


So what exactly is Bidengate? A decade-long influence-peddling scheme that saw Joe Biden, the former vice president, using his son Hunter as a conduit for millions of dollars in payoffs from foreign entities in Ukraine, China, and elsewhere in exchange for favorable treatment. The most famous instance of this scheme was the millions of dollars paid to Hunter Biden for his role as a board member of the corrupt Burisma energy company in Ukraine. Even Hunter acknowledged that his only qualification for being on the board was his last name.


Trading on one’s name to gain employment is not a crime in itself, but using your father’s public office to influence U.S. policy is definitely against the law – especially when the clout is used to protect your corrupt foreign employer.


That’s just what happened in March of 2016 when Vice President Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in U.S. aid to Ukraine if prosecutor general Viktor Shokin were not immediately fired. Biden even bragged about this escapade a few years later when he told the story to the Council on Foreign Relations.


It’s hard to know whether Biden’s threat to withhold aid was approved by the State Department or whether it was “on the fly” diplomacy, but we do know that Shokin has publicly stated that he was fired because he was investigating Burisma’s alleged corruption, and that after he was fired there was no further substantial investigation of Burisma. Quid pro quo.


Another famous mantra from the Watergate era is “Follow the money.” It almost makes you think Biden was taunting his accusers, quipping to a reporter on June 8, “Where’s the money?” when asked about allegations of corruption.


“That’s what we want to know,” the reporter should have demanded, but of course there was no follow-up question. There never is.

Anonymous ID: 1318d8 Aug. 1, 2023, 2 p.m. No.19280334   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Michigan Democrat AG Follows Lead of Biden’s DOJ and Indicts Her Former GOP Foe Matthew DePerno


Far left Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel on Tuesday charged her former Republican for Attorney Matthew DePerno for daring to look at a Dominion voting machine following the 2020 presidential election.


This is now against the law in Democrat-run Michigan.


Nessel previously appointed a special counsel to investigate her Republican opponent Deperno just weeks before the general election.


Nessel has made threats against Matthew DePerno since last year before the midterm elections.


MLive reported:


Former republican attorney general candidate Matt DePerno and ex-state Rep. Daire Rendon are facing criminal charges for their alleged role in a scheme to access voting machines following the 2020 presidential elections, according to case details provided by the Oakland County Circuit.


DePerno – spelled erroneously online as “Matthew DeParno” – is facing four charges: two counts of undue possession of a voting machine, one count of conspiracy for undue possession of a voting machine and conspiracy for unauthorized access.


Rendon is also facing two charges: Conspiracy for undue possession of a voting machine and false pretenses.


Both were arraigned via Zoom on Tuesday and released on $5,000 personal bonds, each standing mute to the charges according to staff for Chief Judge Jeffery Matis.


As of time of publication, DePerno and Rendon are the only ones officially charged for their role in allegedly seizing and tampering with a tabulator machine in the wake of the 2020 presidential election.


Niether DePerno, Rendon or the attorneys listed as representing them responded to requests for comment Tuesday.


Others who could face indictments, however, include Stefanie Lambert Junttila, an attorney who has repeatedly pushed to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in Michigan and Barry County Sheriff Dar Leaf.


Nessel previously appointed a special counsel to investigate her Republican opponent Deperno just weeks before the general election.


Nessel has made threats against Matthew DePerno since last year before the midterm elections.


Dana Nessel is the same public official who made headlines after she was passed out drunk at a Michigan-Michigan State game and had to be taken out in a wheelchair.

Anonymous ID: 1318d8 Aug. 1, 2023, 2:17 p.m. No.19280421   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ex CIA Agent Risks All to Expose the Shadow Government - Kevin Shipp Testimony