Anonymous ID: c65580 Aug. 1, 2023, 1:50 p.m. No.19280282   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0285 >>0301 >>0439

Channeled message:


I am Alcyone, Great Central Sun of your Milky Way, now Golden Rose galaxy. I wish to discuss the speed of light. Your measurements try to attain understanding of such a speed. Light is. Capturing the speed of it is adequate for humanity’s understanding of distances while within a time construct. Time travels at great speed, at the speed of the infinite, encased within the nothingness of eternal expansion. So how does one measure that? Do you understand within your hearts that you are a part of this light, transforming and expanding irrevocably toward yet more light, and more deeper truths of yourselves? It is an exciting and a trying time to be alive. You are experiencing many ascension symptoms that seem to at times be too much to endure. And yet here you are. The energies after they have had their way with upgrades and cleansing leave you stronger. And you are strong.


I Alcyone suggest that you begin to ground to me as your crystalline structures are more finely attuned to it, to me. Then send this light of us into Gaia. Do not ground directly on your own means into Gaia as you would so frequently when the densities were heavier. This one has been envisioning herself within the great central sun and it seems to be working quite nicely, it is a comforting space of pure light and her cells are singing. Then together we send this light into the heart of her beautiful planet, the planet which has the attention of all who are aware and understand the significance of what is about to take place.


What is about to take place is of brilliance, of love, of healing, of light, of limitlessness. Your lives have been so defined, and this has served its purpose. You have all had strict assignments and jobs, with the appropriate talents and abilities to ground the light as best as you can within your societies, your countries, your families, your work spaces and places. And you have done and are doing an outstanding job. I cannot take credit for your hard work, nor would I ever do so, but I am beaming my light to you, as a proud parent. For light begets light, love begets love, and you are all of those things. When you look at your lives and the culmination of choices and light created from your decisions it will astonish you to see how much in fact your meditations did work, your stubbornness to continue to hold the light and your commitment to excellence was enough, was more than enough.


There are some doom and gloom reports, of course there would be, as this is the great changeover of the ages. If one does not understand the significance of the light and the power of it, one can only see destruction, if that is one’s view. See renewal. See rebirth. See rebuilding. Great things are coming for humanity, and I wish for you to know deep in your hearts that as light, we are connected. You are connected to your brothers and sisters of the light, and know that this web of light that you embody is magical to see from my perspective, and I am so proud of you.


I Alcyone am available for you. You feel my energies now from your sun with the lining up of the astronomy that is occurring now, and it fills my heart with joy. I was once incarnated as a planet. We all have our attributes, our experiences, and we grow. It is an honor and a privilege to watch you and your light expand and unfold into greater joys. Much joy awaits you. And so, as time is but an illusion, and all is now, bring this joy into your heart space now. Bring it into your psyche, your lives. Every breath is a new moment of life. Choose joy and hope with each breath, and your life will have more sparkle in it. Your steps will feel lighter. And lighter - light - that is your future, your now, your being. You are light, as am I. We walk this path together.


I welcome you to ground to me as it will be healing for you. I am including glittering codes of light to assist your crystalline cells that are hungry for fruit and water today. Eat more fruit, drink more water. Listen to what your body vessels need. They are changing rapidly. There is now only to be further acceleration. Remember light speed. Remember you are light. Remember all is light. All is light. And universe is therefore expanding in light speed, as are your understandings of Source, of yourselves, of each other, of your world. Your world has been a hollowed matrix of intangibles, of impossibilities, a great siphoning off of light and truth. No more. This will be hard - impossible even - for those who are not prepared to see and understand. Yet they will have all that they need, ultimately each is on their own journey, and you would not want to take that privilege of self discovery away from them. Their wounds are for them to heal, not you. But you can send them light.

Anonymous ID: c65580 Aug. 1, 2023, 2:06 p.m. No.19280366   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0387

A Transmission from Mira from the Pleaidian High Council Through Valerie Donner July 31, 2023


Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I am delighted to speak with you today for much is at hand. The ascension activities have been accelerated. We are extremely busy in the Earth Council, as well as with all in the light realms, who are assisting with Earth’s ascension. We are taking bold new steps forward. A lot of this progress is because we are getting more assistance from the ground crew. You are the groundbreakers who are taking the Earth into the fifth dimension and higher. Your consciousness is rising exponentially. In fact, it is going so fast it is almost like a meteor flying across the sky, and it cannot be captured.


Consciousness is not something that can be photographed or written in a book. It is something that is quantum and is way beyond the understanding of a third dimensional mind. It is more of a measure of spiritual evolution that takes one to the full regions of understanding themselves and what creation is about. Creation is constant, so along with that, you are always changing.


In the material world the third dimensional consciousness is displayed by behaviors, emotions, and actions which are a result of thoughts, emotions, and programming, along with a myriad of other factors. Higher consciousness can be felt and displayed through the light in someone's eyes, or a loving feeling around someone, kindness, generosity, beauty, art, music, compassion, higher thoughts and many other factors. It is free from ego and expressed from the heart.


You will discover the more that your consciousness rises, the lower frequency experiences from the third dimension will occupy less of your awareness. This is not something to be taken for granted. It is part of the consciousness raising and you paying attention to your thoughts, words and actions. Everyone of these things affects your frequency and your consciousness. When you say or do something that is residual from the material world you cannot just pass it off and say, “Oh, that's just some thing I used to say or do.” No! You are learning that you are responsible for everything. This is why you want to focus on higher thoughts, words and actions. You do not want to lift a finger to feed the old world, for that will not serve the light. What serves the light is where you are focusing and how joy is what you are feeling in your heart. This is a clue to finding your way to bliss and living that way.


Pay attention to every moment. At times you may feel like you are daydreaming because you're off in the quantum field somewhere. Perhaps you are in another universe, or another dimension, because many of you are not consciously residing in the material world even though you are physically present. I'm sure some of you know what I am talking about.


Some of you are feeling the beautiful Christed energies that are now being activated and anchored into the Earth like they were 2000 years ago. You are feeling this love and you are experiencing the truth that goes along with the love. This is a familiar feeling because many of you were present at that time and vowed to come back to finish the job.


So what would finishing the job look like? Perhaps you want to tune in and get a sense of that for yourself? It means that you would all be in the New Earth reality, living from your hearts, in your mastery, remembering who you truly are and what you came to the Earth to do. You came back from the future to change this now moment because you did not like what happened to the Earth. Now do you see why, ground crew? It is so important that you do your work and I assure you it is already paying off.


You are loved, appreciated, and honored for your presence on the Earth at this time. It has made a difference and it is making an even greater difference now. Feel yourself picking up the ascension speed and following your heart in greater ways to assist in this planetary awakening. We are with you and we are cheering you on for your success is our success.


I am Mira. I look forward to when we can all be together as galactic family and friends. We have much to anticipate. We are making history together and we will have much to celebrate.