Anonymous ID: 263d86 Aug. 1, 2023, 4:56 p.m. No.19281491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1537

Need more data but Anon has a theory he's investigating. What's up with all these indictments against Donald Trump and those who worked with and supported him? We just got the 3rd indictment from Jack Smith which is 4 counts and with 6 co-conspirators. He's has another indictment with 34 counts to which he just added 3 or 4 more counts. Then there's another indictment which I can't remember at the moment. AND THERE'S MORE, media is saying a 4th indictment is coming. (From Atlanta?) WHY all these indictments? Remember, it is a rule in Federal Court (which Comey confirmed) that and indictment CAN NOT be made =='''UNLESS THE STATE IS CONFIDENT THAT A JURY WILL FIND THE DEFENDANT GUILTY BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT.


Everyone in the world paying attention knows that there is doubt that even a single indictment against Trump is valid. WHY THEN?. Anon's theory (at the moment) is that it is exactly what Trump said: election interference.

Anonymous ID: 263d86 Aug. 1, 2023, 5:08 p.m. No.19281577   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Hey, I need something playing to go to sleep. Often times it's Sherlock Holmes I will make this promise to you anon. I will work it my way until I find out exactly what happened and then will let you know and take no credit.


That time may be in 5 minutes, maybe a week. If you have some pertinent data that I don't, then please provide it.