In case you haven't noticed anon. All of the major areas of influence on American life have long ago been weaponized against the American people. And that is true revolt that is already well underway.
Anon has just skimmed the story on the latest charges against Trump. But don't they seem to overlap with charges already filed against him? Double Jeopardy only comes into play if ever convicted though, correct? It seems to anon that not only are they starting a second coat of paint before the first one one is dry. They are applying a second coat of paint before the painters are even finished applying the first one. Or is my thinking all messed up on this?
Unrelated side question: Why would the CCP have wanted Muammar Gaddafi dead? Was he anti-communist? Did he rebuff Chinese overtures or what?
>7-digit palindrome!
good eye and yes, confirmed, wow
>"we" killed him
if by "we" you mean the CCP then yes
>Air Base 201
yes anon remembers when it was built, or expanded, about ten years ago. Was looking at photos and it was quite the project. Are they saying they lost control of it? Is the US fully pulled out? More to the story than this summary.
And you are doing such a great job too! kek