Anonymous ID: 32c005 Aug. 1, 2023, 7:05 p.m. No.19282431   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Crooked Attorney General Merrick Garland Speaks to Reporters After DOJ Indicts Trump for Challenging 2020 Election Results – Calls Jack Smith a “Principled Leader”


On Monday Hunter Biden’s best friend and business associate implicated Joe and Hunter Biden in the largest criminal pay-for-play scheme with foreign officials in US history.


So today Trump was indicted.


This is what they do. Biden breaks the law and then Trump is indicted.


Trump was hit with 4 counts for challenging the fraudulent 2020 election: Conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights.


There are SIX unnamed co-conspirators!


Following the indictment, corrupt Attorney General Merrick Garland spoke with reporters.


Merrick Garland: Today, an indictment was unsealed charging Donald J. Trump with conspiring to defraud the United States, conspiring to disenfranchise voters, and conspiring and attempting to obstruct an official proceeding. The indictment was issued by a grand jury of citizens here in the District of Columbia, and it sets forth the crimes charged in detail. I encourage everyone to read it in full. The attack on our nation’s Capitol on January 6, 2021, was an unprecedented assault on the seat of American democracy.


As described in the indictment, it was fueled by lies lies by the defendant targeted at obstructing a bedrock function of the US government, the nation’s process of collecting, counting, and certifying the results of the presidential election.


Jack Smith is one of the most corrupt officials in Washington DC – his record proves that. He is no hero.


It is now illegal to challenge an election- unless, of course, you’re a Democrat.

Anonymous ID: 32c005 Aug. 1, 2023, 7:11 p.m. No.19282470   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2482 >>2507 >>2646 >>2799 >>2874

DOJ Leaks Names Five Co-Conspirators in Trump Indictment Including Three Lawyers to CNN – Another Leak by Biden’s DOJ!


President Trump was indicted along with six co-conspirators.


There are SIX unnamed co-conspirators!

CNN named five co-conspirators that


Trump’s co-conspirators, according to the indictment reviewed by The Gateway Pundit:


Rudy Giuliani – Co-conspirator 1, an attorney who was willing to spread knowingly false claims and pursue strategies that the Defendant’s 2020 re-election campaign attorneys would not


John Eastman – Co-conspirator 2, an attorney who devised and attempted to implement a strategy to leverage the Vice President’s ceremonial role overseeing the certification proceeding to obstruct the certification of the presidential election.


Co-conspirator 3, an attorney whose unfounded claims of election fraud the Defendant privately acknowledged to others sounded “crazy.” Nonetheless, the Defendant embraced and publicly amplified Co-Conspirator 3’s disinformation


Co-conspirator 4, a Justice Department official who worked on civil matters and who, with the Defendant, attempted to use the Justice Department to open sham election crime investigations and influence state legislatures with knowingly false claims of election fraud.


Co-conspirator 5, an attorney who assisted in devising and attempting to implement a plan to submit fraudulent sales of presidential electors to obstruct the certification proceeding.


Co-conspirator 6, a political consultant who helped implement a plan to submit fraudulent slates of presidential electors to obstruct the certification proceeding.

Anonymous ID: 32c005 Aug. 1, 2023, 7:24 p.m. No.19282542   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2545 >>2552 >>2646 >>2799 >>2874

Trump's D.C. Judge Worked For Law Firm That Employed Hunter Biden


U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan of Washington, D.C., the judge overseeing former President Donald Trump’s case in the district, previously worked at a law firm that once employed Hunter Biden and worked closely with Ukrainian energy firm Burisma.


Chutkan spent 12 years working for Boies, Schiller, & Flexner LLP (BSF) where she specialized in white collar litigation and antitrust defense, before she was nominated to her current position by former President Obama, her official bio states.


Chutkan worked at other private sector law firms and served as a public defender in Washington D.C. prior to her tenure at BSF. She graduated from George Washington University and the University of Pennsylvania law school.


“Perhaps as important as all the skillsets that she has, she is a person of just consummate decency,” Don Flexner said in December 2013 when Chutkan was nominated, the Legal Times previously reported. “I think she will be a welcome addition to the bench in Washington.”


Hunter Biden worked for BSF in the same year he was appointed to Burisma’s board in April 2014. Hunter quickly brought BSF partners into the fold to assist Burisma with its efforts to influence U.S. officials, according to emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop.


In April 2014, Hunter Biden and business associate Devon Archer spoke about how BSF could give them “protection” and work with government officials on Burisma’s behalf.


“BSF can actually have direct discussions at state, energy and NSC. They can devise a media plan and arrange for legal protections and mitigate US domestic negative press regarding the current leadership if need be,” Biden told Archer.


“The contract should begin now- not after the upcoming visit of my guy. That should include a retainer in the range of 25k p/m w/ additional fees where appropriate for more in depth work to go to BSF for our protection. Complete separate from our respective deals re board participation,” Biden added.

Anonymous ID: 32c005 Aug. 1, 2023, 7:37 p.m. No.19282625   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2643 >>2646 >>2669 >>2706 >>2799 >>2874

US government quietly announced COLLAPSE of another bank late Friday (hoping nobody would notice)


Late last week, the Kansas Office of the State Bank Commissioner shut down Heartland Tri-State Bank of Elkhart, Kan., prompting the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to enter into a purchase and assumption agreement with Dream First Bank, National Association, of Syracuse, Kan.


The FDIC and Dream First Bank, National Association have since assumed all the deposits of Heartland Tri-State Bank, and all four of the bank's branches reopened as branches of Dream First Bank, National Association on Monday, July 31, resuming their normal business hours.


All of this happened late in the day last Friday, July 28, when almost nobody noticed, and the switch occurred quietly and seamlessly over the weekend with the new bank taking over as of Monday.


The depositors of Heartland Tri-State Bank can now access their money by wiring checks or using ATM or debit cards. Checks drawn on the bank will continue to be processed as normal, and loan customers are expected to continue making their payments as usual.


"Depositors of Heartland Tri-State Bank will become depositors of Dream First Bank, National Association, so customers do not need to change their banking relationship in order to retain their deposit insurance coverage," the FDIC announced.


"Customers of Heartland Tri-State Bank should continue to use their existing branch until they receive notice from Dream First Bank, National Association, that it has completed systems changes to allow its branch offices to process their accounts as well."



Dream First Bank, National Association agrees to purchase all of failed Heartland Tri-State Bank's assets


As of March 31, 2023, Heartland Tri-State Bank had about $139 million in total assets and $130 million in total deposits. Dream First Bank, National Association has assumed all associated deposits and has also agreed to purchase all of the failed bank's assets.


The FDIC and Dream First Bank are also entering into a commercial shared-loss agreement on the loans it purchased from the former Heartland Tri-State Bank. The FDIC as receiver along with Dream First Bank, National Association will share in the losses on loans covered by the shared-loss agreement while also sharing in potential recoveries.


This setup is projected to maximize recoveries on the assets by keeping them in the private sector while also minimizing disruptions for loan customers.


Any customers who have questions about the transaction, or about the collapse of Heartland Tri-State Bank in general, can contact the FDIC toll-free at 1-866-431-1725, or by visiting the FDIC's website.


The FDIC estimates that the total cost to cover the Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF) will be around $54.2 million. Compared to other alternatives, Dream First Bank, National Association's acquisition was the least costly resolution for the DIF, which is an insurance fund created by Congress in 1933 and managed by the FDIC to protect deposits at U.S. banks.


The corporate-controlled media is claiming that the failure of Heartland Tri-State Bank "is not believed to be a sign of broader problems within the state's banking industry."


According to the Office of the State Bank Commissioner, Heartland Tri-State Bank in Elkhart was deemed to be insolvent "due to an isolated event," even though the details of what this entails have not been disclosed.


The official claim is that the Kansas state banking industry is doing just fine and Heartland Tri-State Bank had a much smaller amount of assets than Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), which collapsed earlier this year along with several other larger banks.

Anonymous ID: 32c005 Aug. 1, 2023, 7:39 p.m. No.19282639   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2644 >>2658 >>2665 >>2799 >>2874

US Spent Years Funding And Training The African Military That Just Overthrew Its US-Backed Gov’t


The United States has sunk $500 million over the last decade into training and equipping Niger’s armed forces, which have now overthrown the democratically-elected president of the country.


Nigerien armed forces declared that they removed President Mohamed Bazoum from power amid a coup that began last Wednesday, spearheaded by a general who studied at the Department of Defense-backed College of International Security Affairs, Reuters reported. The U.S. has spent $500 million on training and arming Nigerien soldiers and stationing more than 1,000 U.S. troops in the region, according to the U.S. Embassy in Niger.


Secretary of State Antony Blinken said over the weekend that the U.S. partnership with Niger is in “clear jeopardy.”


“Our economic and security partnership with Niger, which is significant, hundreds of millions of dollars, depends on the continuation of the democratic governance and constitutional order that has been disrupted by the actions in the last few days,” Blinken said at a press conference on Saturday. “So that assistance, that support, is in clear jeopardy as a result of these actions, which is another reason why they need to be immediately reversed.”


As of 2021, the U.S. has spent $500 million since 2012 on security aid for Niger, according to the U.S. Embassy in Niger. This includes training programs for Nigerien armed forces through “a long-term capacity-building program” as well as pre-deployment training and equipment for soldiers in two Nigerien battalions.


It also includes funds for Niger’s armed forces command, and an expansion of Niger’s intelligence and surveillance capabilities, and vehicles and fuel storage equipment.


Moreover, the man who spearheaded efforts to overthrow Bazoum is Abdourahamane Tchiani, a Nigerien general in charge of an elite unit entrusted with protecting the president. Tchiani received his military training in Morocco, France, Senegal and the United States – where he attended the College of International Security Affairs (CISA) in Washington D.C, according to a biography released by the new military rule, Reuters reported.


CISA is “the Department of Defense flagship for education and the building of partner capacity in combating terrorism, irregular warfare, and integrated deterrence at the strategic level,” according to the school’s website.


Nigerien soldiers and presidential bodyguards turned on Bazoum last week and locked him inside the presidential palace, declaring their intent to overthrow the democratically-elected president.


Nigerien armed forces have shut down flights out of the Agadez drone base, which the U.S. spent part of the $500 million security aid package on to build, according to the U.S. Embassy in Niger. Niger’s border is now sealed and a nationwide curfew has been declared, Reuters reported.


On Monday, Niger armed forces began arresting politicians in the democratically-elected government, including the mines minister, the oil minister and the head of the ruling party, according to Reuters. Military groups of neighboring countries, including Burkina Faso and Guinea, declared their support for Niger’s coup leaders and warned that foreign military intervention would be considered an act of war, Reuters reported.

Anonymous ID: 32c005 Aug. 1, 2023, 8:11 p.m. No.19282840   🗄️.is đź”—kun

TERRIFYING: Bernie Sanders Wants to Prosecute Climate Change Dissenters


It seems the climate change hysteria crowd is having trouble convincing people that we are all going to die in a gargantuan fireball if we don’t start driving electric vehicles and eating crickets. To remedy this issue, some progressive senators have concocted a novel idea: Throw people in prison for arguing against left-wing ideas on climate change.


Sure, it’s a bit authoritarian, but it would be effective, wouldn’t it?


Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders led a gaggle of fellow lawmakers in writing a letter to the Justice Department demanding that it prosecute people in the fossil fuel industry for saying things about climate change that progressives don’t like:


A group of left-wing senators led by Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., are demanding that the Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecute the fossil fuel industry over its alleged climate disinformation campaign.


In a letter Monday to Attorney General Merrick Garland, the Senate coalition — joined also by Sens. Ed Markey, D-Mass., Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., and Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass. — argued fossil fuel companies have conducted a “longstanding and carefully coordinated campaign” to mislead Americans about the risks posed by global warming and “discredit climate science” in pursuit of profits. If the DOJ were to pursue such a case again the fossil fuel industry, it would mark the first time the federal government got involved in climate nuisance litigation.


“The actions of ExxonMobil, Shell, and potentially other fossil fuel companies represent a clear violation of federal racketeering laws, truth in advertising laws, consumer protection laws, and potentially other laws, and the Department must act swiftly to hold them accountable for their unlawful actions,” the four senators wrote to Garland on Monday.


“The fossil fuel industry has had scientific evidence about the dangers of climate change and the role that burning fossil fuels play in increasing global temperatures for more than 50 years,” the lawmakers continued. “Despite these companies’ knowledge about climate change and the role their industry was playing in driving carbon emissions, they chose to participate in a decades-long, carefully coordinated campaign of misinformation to obfuscate climate science and convince the public that fossil fuels are not the primary driver of climate change.”


The American Petroleum Institute (API), the fossil fuel industry’s primary trade association, slammed the letter and reaffirmed its commitment to reducing emissions.


“The record of the past two decades demonstrates that the industry is achieving its goal of providing affordable, reliable American energy to U.S. consumers while substantially reducing emissions and our environmental footprint,” a spokesperson said. “Any suggestion to the contrary is false.”


So, basically, Bernie and the gang think it’s a good idea to send men with guns and badges to throw people in jail cells because they contradict the progressive narrative on climate change. Free speech be damned, right?


This isn’t exactly a shocker, is it? It was only a matter of time before authoritarian leftists started seeking to threaten people with jail time for voicing ideas and opinions that contradict progressivism. If the Justice Department acts on this request, it could set a precedent for using the government to punish speech in other areas.


It is hard to see this as anything other than a ploy to send a message to those who might have differing opinions from Sanders and others who agree with him. They do not wish to advance their agenda through persuasion. They would rather silence people by threatening to imprison them. Hopefully, the Justice Department doesn’t go through with this. But if it does, perhaps the courts can put a stop to it.