Anonymous ID: 5f25b7 Aug. 1, 2023, 6:29 p.m. No.19282166   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How many ways has the Cult tried to kill us?

>>19239718 (pb)

>New CDC director Dr Mandy Cohen already reminding us the covid, flu and rsv IS COMING this winter

Flashback: Shut down your gym or be fined into bankruptcy!

San Jose gym has closed after racking up nearly $1 million in fines for violating coronavirus health orders.

Atilis Gym in NJ fined $1.2 million for defying COVID orders

New Jersey gym who famously defied orders to close the fitness center during the coronavirus pandemic have now been hit with more than $1.2 million in fines

(pb) >>19279733, >>19280110 (pb)

>Schwab’s Daughter Confirms COVID was a Precursor to Climate Lockdowns… Memes need making

Impact of the first COVID-19 lockdown on body weight: A combined systematic review and a meta-analysis, Clinical Nutrition 2022

In fact, the period of exposure to social isolation was responsible for drastic changes in anthropometric variables including the increase in body weight and BMI around the world.

Some factors may justify this scenario: the significant decrease in physical activity levels, outdoor exercises, closing of gyms, sports gym, among others.

Such conditions had direct implications at the COVID-19 pandemic, such as overweight and obesity, which were identified as a risk factor for COVID-19 severity and MORTALITY.


The practice of physical activities strengthens the immune system, suggesting a benefit in the response to viral communicable diseases. Thus, regular practice of adequate intensity is suggested as an auxiliary tool in strengthening and preparing the immune system for COVID-19.

The benefits of exercise—regular and at appropriate intensity levels—for the immune system in respiratory infections such as COVID-19 include increased immunovigilance and improved immune competence, which help in the control of pathogens, a fact that becomes more important considering the immunosenescence and susceptibility of the elderly population to severe infection.

Other favorable effects in relation to host factors [indicate how adequately physical activity can help the organism’s immune response against COVID-19].


Don’t exercise.

Get your jabs, or lose your jobs.

Have a nice day (locked in your home).

>>19263493 (pb)

The Blaze: New CDC director expects COVID vaccine will be like flu shots where you'll 'get your annual COVID shot'

>>19267524 (pb)

Fauci urges Americans to wear goggles for added COVID-19 protection