Old men that walk around the beach like that are gross.
If true is this Union worth saving?
That's my only reason for never getting a fake tan. She's right.
I am certain this judge is not happy about this.
That's gotta be worth at least 100 virtue points.
Why are we involved down there? How have I been enriched?
Looks like it's going biblical in Florida. I hope they yell "unclean" when walking the streets.
As a racist conservative I have always been perplexed with myself for never giving money to planned parenthood.
Can't really blame her. White man gave the voodoo white man vax to her and her people. She is in her anger phase.
I wonder what frequency and melody God used to make light?
DeSantis is still getting slaughtered. We aren't even at Mike yet.
Can't do that on Windows 3.11. I'll never upgrade.
Or it's the spirit of truth moving and confounding the "wise".