Anonymous ID: 7e119c Aug. 1, 2023, 6:31 p.m. No.19282182   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>19282121 (pb)


Anon wrote long letter to state AG about "REAL ID" drivers licenses. Yes, some states now require photo ID for voting (GA anon suggested temporary IDs available in that state), but the REAL ID crap is supposed to go into effect in 2025 where if they have collected enough data on you your driver's license is designated "REAL ID compliant" and you can travel by air. This is BS. Used to be you could walk to ticket counter and buy ticket for immediate flight no "show your papers please" for DOMESTIC travel.


Anon does not plan to provide any more data to state DMV for "scanning". This means prolly no DL for the time being and possibly not able to vote, either. They SCAN the DL in my state when you go to vote. Pretty sure the Chinese or whomever have a nice fat dossier on voters down to the color of eyes on the DL.