Anonymous ID: fc5d2f Aug. 1, 2023, 7:25 p.m. No.19282546   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>I've thought this for a while

Must suck to lack the bandwidth that would enable it to think it and then move on to the next thought. Hardware upgrade and/or cleaning the CCP dust bunnies from cooling fins might help. No guarantee though.

Anonymous ID: fc5d2f Aug. 1, 2023, 8:04 p.m. No.19282793   🗄️.is đź”—kun



>Everything But Bitcoin

This is old news Tyler. And please stop it with the attention grabbing faggot rainbow posting format.


Old news because CB is, in fact, now trading in other crypto and is now denying that they were ever told this by the SEC. Try and keep up ok? Today is August 1st, not July 31st.


4 hours ago — Coinbase has denied a report saying its CEO Brian Armstrong said it was once told by the United States securities regulator to delist all cryptocurrencies on …

Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong reportedly said the SEC requested it delist all other cryptocurrencies, but a spokesperson said the comments were taken out of context.

Coinbase has denied a report saying its CEO Brian Armstrong said it was once told by the United States securities regulator to delist all cryptocurrencies on its platform except for Bitcoin

In a July 31 interview with the Financial Times, Armstrong reportedly claimed the Securities and Exchange Commission wanted Coinbase to delist the nearly 250 tokens on its platform prior to it filing a lawsuit against the exchange.

Armstrong was quoted as saying the SEC believes “every asset other than Bitcoin is a security” and recounted an exchange with SEC staff where they said, “we’re not going to explain it to you; you need to delist every asset other than Bitcoin.”

A Coinbase spokesperson told Cointelegraph, however, that the FT report omits context regarding its conversations with the SEC and was inaccurate.

The SEC didn't request Coinbase delist any specific assets as that type of request could only be made following a majority vote from the SEC's commissioners, the spokesperson said.

"The views shared in the FT article may have represented the views of some staff at the time, but did not represent those of the Commission more broadly," they added.

The SEC told the FT its enforcement division does not make formal requests for “companies to delist crypto assets” but that its staff may share its view on what actions could violate securities laws.

Update (Aug. 1, 10:40 pm UTC): This article has been updated to include comments from Coinbase.