Anonymous ID: 490648 Aug. 2, 2023, 12:22 a.m. No.19283690   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Can't help feeling the whole indictment thing is going exactly the way 45 wants it to go


Flotus Magazine wrote "indictments or Opportunities" so I take it that it is all part of the plan. Nevertheless, if things go awry fir whatever reason, either one of two things will happen. A dark cloud of plague will move throughout the land and test for those who do not have the blood of the lamb on their doorway (precision) or DC can go the way of Atlantis by way of Space Debri. God already showed his hand regarding this, the day there was a coastal flooding in WDC and simultaneously a meteor that exploded over the State of Florida in which the SS had evacuated PDJT. It was all meant for DC, but God thought it better to show PDJT his power instead. How would I know these things if they were not my pr_yers. With that said, it is pr_yer time, Godspeed Patriots.

