Anonymous ID: c8d50a Aug. 1, 2023, 11:37 p.m. No.19283515   🗄️.is 🔗kun


All of these letters are OPERATORS in MATHEMATICS



4.0.2 Primitives, Verbs and Functional Notation¶

The normal way of writing addition in mathematics and most programming languages uses an operator with infix notation – e.g., addition is written with a plus symbol between the two operands.

In q, we can write addition this way and read it right-to-left as “add 3 to 2.”.







an OPERATOR used in vector analysis

What is ∂ called?

The partial derivative is denoted by the symbol ∂ , which replaces the roman letter d used to denote a full derivative.



In quantum mechanics, the position OPERATOR is the OPERATOR that corresponds to the position observable of a particle.



The Z-Operator

The Z-transform takes a sequence x[n]

and returns a function X(z)

With this algebraic notation of a shift, together with multiplications and summations this is all we need to characterize /all/ linear translation invariant filters.