Anonymous ID: 5e0452 Aug. 2, 2023, 7:40 a.m. No.19284634   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Voyager Space and Airbus Announce Joint Venture to Build and Operate Starlab

Aug 2, 2023


DENVER – 02 August, 2023 - Voyager Space (Voyager), a global leader in space exploration, and Airbus Defence and Space (Airbus), the largest aeronautics and space company in Europe, today announced an agreement paving the way for a transatlantic joint venture to develop, build, and operate Starlab, a commercial space station planned to succeed the International Space Station. The US-led joint venture will bring together world-class leaders in the space domain, while further uniting American and European interests in space exploration.


“We are proud to charter the future of space stations with Airbus,” says Matthew Kuta, President at Voyager Space. “The International Space Station is widely regarded as the most successful platform for global cooperation in space history, and we are committed to building on this legacy as we move forward with Starlab. We are establishing this joint venture to reliably meet the known demand from global space agencies while opening new opportunities for commercial users.”


Voyager was awarded a $160 million Space Act Agreement (SAA) from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in December 2021 via Nanoracks, part of Voyager’s exploration segment. Part of NASA’s Commercial Low Earth Orbit Development Program, this SAA sets the foundation to create Starlab, a continuously crewed, free-flying space station to serve NASA and a global customer base of space agencies and researchers.

The program’s mission is to maintain continued human presence and American leadership in low-Earth orbit (LEO). Today’s announcement builds on an agreement made public in January 2023, where Voyager selected Airbus to provide technical design support and expertise for Starlab.


“With a track record of innovation and technological firsts, Airbus prides itself on partnering with companies that are looking to change history,” said Jean-Marc Nasr, Head of Space Systems at Airbus. “This transatlantic venture with footprints on both sides of the ocean aligns the interests of both ourselves and Voyager and our respective space agencies. This pioneers continued European and American leadership in space that takes humanity forward. Together our teams are focused on creating an unmatched space destination both technologically and as a business operation.”


In addition to the US entity, Starlab will have a European joint venture subsidiary to directly serve the European Space Agency (ESA) and its member state space agencies.


This announcement follows a major design milestone in Starlab’s development, the Systems Requirements Review (SRR), which baselines the major space systems, technical readiness, and ability to meet NASA’s mission and safety requirements. The Starlab SRR, was completed in June 2023 in coordination with NASA’s Commercial LEO Development Program team.


“Today marks a major step forward for the future of commercial space destinations,” continues Kuta. “We are proud to have NASA’s trust to build the replacement for the ISS, a partnership that expands Starlab’s ecosystem to global space agencies, and a team that is mission driven and dedicated to reimagining the future.”


The implementation of the joint venture will be subject to applicable regulatory approvals.

Anonymous ID: 5e0452 Aug. 2, 2023, 7:57 a.m. No.19284699   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4700 >>4712 >>4933 >>5152 >>5244 >>5261

Pressure on Vatican to Reveal Archives After 'UFO Cover Up' Claims

8/2/23 AT 7:43 AM EDT


Pressure is growing on the Vatican to shed light on whether it was aware of a UFO being retrieved from Italy in the 1930s, amid a slew of claims about the U.S. government's knowledge and handling of contact with alien life.


It follows claims made by David Grusch, a U.S. Air Force veteran who previously worked at the National Reconnaissance Office on UFOs, in an interview in June that an Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) was recovered from Magenta, a town near Milan, in 1933, before becoming a U.S. possession with the help of the papal state.


The whistleblower was among three people to recently testify to the House Oversight Committee on the allegations. He repeated his earlier claim that the federal government had been aware of non-human activity since the 1930s.


The Department of Defense (DOD) and NASA have publicly stressed that they have no evidence of alien life or of a government program to reverse-engineer alien materials.


The alien probe was launched after Grusch, who resigned from his post in April, told NewsNation that the government had retrieved several "non-human origin technical vehicles," some of which contained "dead pilots."


In the same interview, he claimed that under the fascist dictator Benito Mussolini, the Italian government had recovered a UFO and moved it to a "secure airbase" for the remainder of his regime, which ended with the allied occupation of Italy.


Grusch alleged that then-Pope Pius XII had "backchanneled" knowledge of the UFO to the U.S., which "ended up scooping it" from them. When asked explicitly whether he was saying the Catholic church knew about the existence of alien life, Grusch responded: "Certainly."


NewsNation reported on Tuesday that it had been attempting to get the Vatican to publicly comment on the matter for a week, but had yet to receive a response. Newsweek approached the Vatican via email for comment on Wednesday.


Ross Coulthart, one of the journalists who interviewed Grusch prior to the congressional hearing, told the news network that other, unnamed sources had confirmed the story to him, and suggested that the Vatican's silence may be a sign of the claim's truth.


"It's a very difficult situation for the Vatican because if Mr Grusch is telling the truth—and I'm told he is—it's a difficult thing for the Vatican to admit without the U.S. concurring," he said. "I'm told the Vatican does have a very efficient intelligence service and it's long collaborated with intelligence services like the CIA providing useful intelligence, and especially in the wake of the Second World War."



Anonymous ID: 5e0452 Aug. 2, 2023, 7:58 a.m. No.19284700   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4933 >>5152 >>5244 >>5261


The possibility of alien life poses a complex theological question for the Catholic church, which holds that humans were created as intelligent creatures by God and have a special connection to him through Jesus Christ—but this does not necessarily mean that the same cannot be said of another, similar life form.


In 2008, Jesuit Father Jose Funes, then-director of the Vatican Observatory, told the state's newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, that there was no conflict between faith and the possibility of "extraterrestrial brothers."


He said: "Just as there is a multiplicity of creatures on earth, there can be other beings, even intelligent, created by God. This is not in contrast with our faith because we can't put limits on God's creative freedom."


"390 years ago it was the Vatican that tried Galileo as a heretic for arguing that the Earth wasn't at the center of the universe—and in nearly four hundred years, I have to say the Vatican has actually shown quite creditable openness to science," Coulthart commented, noting that the Vatican had hosted a conference on astrobiology in 2009.


"Everything I've read about the Vatican suggests a lot of the work they're doing at the moment is trying to demonstrate that there is no incompatibility between religious beliefs and good science," he added. "I just wonder—I can only speculate—whether it's driven by information that it does possess, as Mr Grusch suggests."


Coulthart said he had spoken to someone who had been granted access to the Vatican's archives—which they said ran extensively underground with 53 miles of shelving—and suggested that documents that provide evidence for Grusch's claims may be found there by the select few with permission to enter.


Following the hearing on July 26, DOD spokesperson Sue Gough previously told Newsweek that the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) had "not discovered any verifiable information to substantiate claims that any programs regarding the possession or reverse-engineering of any extraterrestrial materials have existed in the past or exist currently."


"[The] DOD takes public interest in UAP seriously," she added. "The department is fully committed to openness and accountability to the American people, which it must balance with its obligation to protect sensitive information, sources, and methods."


Reacting to the claims in the witness testimony, scientists have remained skeptical of visits by alien life, while keeping the door open to the possibility, noting a lack of concrete evidence produced during the hearing.



Anonymous ID: 5e0452 Aug. 2, 2023, 9:02 a.m. No.19284975   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4985 >>5031 >>5108 >>5152 >>5244 >>5261

Oppenheimer’s atomic bomb attracted aliens to Earth, UFO expert claims

11:10, 2 AUG 2023


Aliens started making more visits to Earth after the first atomic bomb was detonated because they're concerned we're doing to "destroy" the planet, a UFO expert has claimed.


Dr Steven Greer, an American ufologist who founded the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, believes there are extraterrestrial beings out there who are "light years ahead of us in terms of technology".


But he says despite being far more advanced than us, the development of the first atomic bomb by Julius Robert Oppenheimer in 1945 — a story recently told in Christopher Nolan's box office hit Oppenheimer — gave aliens a reason to come to Earth.


He said there are "multiple issues" on Earth making aliens visit us but started by claiming the mysterious extraterrestrials have been sighted by humans for thousands of years.


"I don't think it's anything new that this planet and humans have been observed by extraterrestrial civilisations," he said.


The ufologist explained: "I mean there are cave drawings from 5,000 years ago that show a classic UFO with these life forms outside of it.


"There's artwork from the 1400s that demonstrate and show these objects in the sky with a beam of light coming down. There's a cave in India that has similar artwork."


But the first well-known UFO sighting wouldn't occur until 1947 when businessman Kenneth Arnold claimed to spot nine high-speed objects he described as "like saucers skipping on water" near Mount Rainier in Washington while flying his small plane.


The sighting led to a flying saucer craze across the US, with more than 800 similar sightings reported throughout the same year.


In the years since there's been a huge boom in UFO sightings across the world, and while some have put it down to people jumping on the bandwagon of a thrilling mystery, optical illusions, or even secret government weapons programs, Dr Greer believes aliens have been coming to Earth to observe us.


He claims the increase in UFO sightings can all be put down to one significant moment in human history.


"I think that the modern era, let's call it the modern era where there's so much of this going on, coincided precisely with the development and then detonation of the first atomic weapons," he said.


According to Dr Greer, who also founded the Disclosure project — which seeks the disclosure of allegedly classified UFO information — the explosion "got the attention" of aliens from other solar systems.


He explained: "What we didn't know, what Oppenheimer and Teller, all the people who worked on the Manhattan Project didn't know, there's an electromagnetic pulse that goes out — everybody's heard of, knocks out your electronics, electric grid — but there's also this scalar.


"Now scalar pulse is multiples of the speed of light and it is in this entangled aspect of quantum physics and it disrupts extraterrestrial travel and communications. So that got everyone's attention out there, these other star systems."


He claimed this is the reason why "every single nuclear bomb squadron, processing facility, ICMB site etc and so on here, UK, France, Soviet Union, Russia, have had some sort of UFO surveillance."


Dr Greer thinks the aliens have been watching us since the creation of atomic bombs because they're concerned about "us destroying the planet" but are also worried about the "risk they pose" to their own civilisations.


"There's a certain amount of interest in protecting life on Earth but there's also enlightened self-interest," he said.


But he claimed the detonation of atomic bombs isn't the only reason the otherworldly beings have been paying us a visit.


Revealing their second motive, he claimed governments have recovered alien spacecraft and the extraterrestrials are "concerned" about what we've learnt from the recoveries and how we might be using this information.


He said: "Secondly, I think they're concerned that the technologies we've gotten from studying these extraterrestrial vehicles that we have downed are now being turned into weapon systems targeting extraterrestrial vehicles out in space."


While Dr Greer said he is "quite convinced" the aliens visiting Earth are "fundamentally peaceful", he warned: "Where is the red line? How far can you push into this and create a threat where humans are a threat before they have to intervene?