at least you tried
you're adorable when you're mad
deflecting off the original post to "what about this!"(aka whataboutism) is a faggot ass shill move so keep projecting homo
fucking worthless reddit niggers getting offended over what's exposed and dug on
absolute garbage what this place has become
when do you switch to your vatican spamming persona?
because a christian doesn't control the world's monetary system which control's the world's governments is why
there was a time when they did though and usury was outlawed
almost like they try to flood the algorithm onto a story they want rather than a story they don't want
they do it a lot
just like how classified programs or projects will have tv shows or movies or a completely unrelated website or something like that with the same name that way that's what people get when they search
one trick pony needs attention again
well isn't that convenient
that guy's loosh output level must be pushing 9000