>'allowed' it to happen.
WTF? This is as wrong as wrong gets. That motherfucker should be beaten severely.
Well, I just wanted to see what your reasnoning was. I think you are partially right, but Plan Z is a long, long way off. Not even on the horizon. Yet.
MI could have stopped 2020. They stopped it in 2016 but this time around it was allowed to happen so the truth of it could be exposed and SHOW the people just how corrupt and rotten to the core the democrat party and the rigged election system is. The winning of the House was key and the steal there was limited. A majority is a majority and this is proving to be "LETHAL" to Biden & Co. Now that these faggots have indicted our POTUS on J6 related charges, the shit is going to get real for them.
>chose 'allow and trap' over 'plan Z'.
Allow, trap, expose, indict, try, convict, hang. UCMJ.