Anonymous ID: ce6036 Aug. 2, 2023, 1:03 p.m. No.19286202   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6252


Zelensky is getting the boot soon. Thats exactly what I thought anon. He’s trying more blackmail on the West and the West is going to reveal their corruption soon. Yesterday Poland Ambassador called Ambassador to his office to register a complaint and German Defense Guy called him an ingrate. Zelensky has been blaming his disaster counteroffensive that the West has never given him enough, and he said NOTHING is enough as far as the countries have given. I’ve been a lot of signs from the West they are over him and whiny staff. Its never their fault for failing

Anonymous ID: ce6036 Aug. 2, 2023, 1:15 p.m. No.19286254   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6736

Zelensky complained too much, whined, begged and criticized allies, Ukraine gets what is coming.

2 Aug, 2023 18:41

Poland names stumbling block with Ukraine

Warsaw will back Kiev, but not at the expense of its own interests, its deputy foreign minister has said


Reconciliation between Warsaw and Kiev is “impossible” without the latter's recognition that the WWII mass murder of ethnic Polesin Volhynia by Ukrainian nationalists was a genocide, Deputy Foreign Minister Pawel Jablonski said on Wednesday.


Relations between the neighbors are “unfortunately not the best” at the moment, “due to recent statements by some of the Ukrainian authorities,” Jablonski told the Polish broadcaster RMF24. Poland understands the “emotions” that arose because Ukraine is “under attack,” he added, “but it should not attack its allies, either.”


“We support Ukraine to the extent that it meets the national interests of Poland. So it has always been and always will be,” said Jablonski.


While there are “many issues” on which Warsaw and Kiev disagree, the WWII-era massacre is by far the biggest problem. The Polish government classifies the murder of up to 60,000 ethnic Poles by Stepan Bandera’s Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) in 1943-44 as a genocide, and has pressed Ukraine to allow exhumations, commemorations and prosecution of those responsible. In Kiev, however, Bandera is a national hero.


“There is no possibility of real Polish-Ukrainian reconciliation without settling this issue,” the minister insisted.


Poland has been the hub of NATO efforts to supply Ukraine with weapons, ammunition and equipment. It has also joined the push by six eastern EU members to block the sale of Ukrainian agricultural exports at below-market prices, under pressure from disaffected farmers.


Responding to Ukrainian criticism of the ban earlier this week, the Polish president’s foreign policy adviser, Marcin Przydacz, said Kiev should instead “start appreciating the role that Poland has played for Ukraine in recent months and years.”


Ukraine’s foreign ministry responded by summoning the Polish ambassador to protest that Przydacz’s statement was “untrue and unacceptable.” Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s deputy head of office, Andrey Sibiga, posted on social media that“There’s nothing worse than your rescuer demanding a rescue fee from you, even as you’re bleeding.”


Polish PM Mateusz Morawiecki called Ukraine’s move a serious mistake, and vowed that “the interest of no other country will ever prevail over the interest of Poland.” Zelensky has sought to cool the tensions, arguing that the two countries are “a real shield of Europe from sea to sea” and that this shield cannot bear “a single crack.”


(Zelensky and Ukraine cheated on the grain deal when they were supposed to send the grain to Africa and poor country. Ukraine started selling in Poland and numerous other EU making their farmers lose out, Ukraine sold it so cheap the farmers in countries lost 100s of millions of dollars, the countries do not want Ukraine selling their grains or their pesticided grains in their countries. Ukraine had a hissy fit and demanded the EU allow them to sell in EU countries, when they are not even a member of the EU. In addition to Ukraine complaining about arms and money given also. They never stop with the guilt tripping. All of the West deserves this by making Ukraine go to war with Russia)

Anonymous ID: ce6036 Aug. 2, 2023, 3:01 p.m. No.19286715   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>19286630 Biden 'enabled' Hunter's 'various schemes' says scathing Washington Post op-ed: 'Real problem for his father PN


You know when WAPO, NYTs, CNN, Politico, Axios etc are crticizing Bidan everyone has gotten the word Bidan is out, attack him

Anonymous ID: ce6036 Aug. 2, 2023, 3:32 p.m. No.19286871   🗄️.is 🔗kun

WTH is going on with Poland, they are all about conflict, war and causing problems? And they are really paranoid, what did Poland do that they think that Belarus would retaliate against them. I’m ashamed to be 1/4 Polish

2 Aug, 2023 19:57

Belarus shows NATO member proof about helicopter ‘incident’

Data provided by Minsk indicates that its aircraft never crossed into Polish airspace


Detailed information provided to Poland clearly shows that two Belarusian military helicopters never ventured across the border, the defense ministry in Minsk said on Wednesday.


Minsk “prepared and presented to the Polish side detailed data on objective control of aircraft flights” of both Belarus and Poland on August 1, the ministry said in a statement. “The data of objective control confirm the absence of any grounds for accusation of violation of the state border.”


According to the Belarusian Defense Ministry, the Mi-24 and Mi-8 helicopters “flew at an altitude of 150-200 meters, and their flight path did not come closer than 1,900 meters” to the border. Earlier on the same day, a Polish Mi-2 helicopter came within 200 meters of the border with Belarus, the ministry said, offering as evidence monitoring data from radar stations.


Belarusian pilots were in constant communication with the Polish Air Force during their flights, and received no complaints at the time, the ministry added, noting that any provocations in circumstances where both sides can “unambiguously monitor the movement of aircraft” would be “clearly illogical.”


On Tuesday afternoon, the Polish government summoned the Belarusian charge d’affaires in Warsaw to express a “strong protest” and demand that he “immediately and in detail explain” the incident.


Minsk responded that “no violation of [Polish] airspace” had taken place, and that without evidence, the claim that it had should be considered “the equivalent of a grandmother’s tale.”


The Polish military had initially reported the helicopters had not crossed the border, but later said otherwise. Warsaw said that radar data was not available because the aircraft were flying “at a very low altitude.”


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has not reached out to his Polish counterpart about the incident, State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said on Tuesday. Washington is in “constant communication” with Warsaw, which has made no move to invoke NATO’s mutual defense mechanism yet, he added.


“There is a process that is in place for NATO countries to invoke Article 5; we are not at that stage at this point,” Miller said.


Poland has recently announced an increase in the size of its military, from 170,000 to 300,000, citing the presence of Russian fighters from the Wagner Group in Belarus, where some of them relocated after the failed mutiny at the end of June. Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki claimed on Saturday that the arrival of “more than a hundred” Wagnerites near the border was “undoubtedly a step towards an upcoming hybrid attack on Polish territory.” (A 100 Wagner soldiers taking on an army of 170,000 Polish, seems like a stupid idea, don’t think that is anyone’s plan. But Poland is freaked out about something.)


Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko replied thatPoland had “gone mad” over rumors about Wagner, insisting that there was no threat.