Anonymous ID: 2584d2 June 27, 2018, 2:13 p.m. No.1929667   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>1914368 (old)

Hey BO

So, you probably have some rationale resulting in this faggy poll, what I'd like to know is:


Query: wat why?


if, you have to disperse Trips -

increase, your T&E -

all while, the end result is: any clown can bake -

but, you will "catch it and take over" when it happens -

since, you know who the 'trusted' bakers are -

while, bakers union died as it was destined -

when, Prestige Baking results in a namefag ladder climb -

when, a baker can already make a trip under baker's own volition -

when, this places focus on the id rather than ego -


Posit: do dis nothing


nothing =

we've come this far already with Anon baking.

don't fix what isn't broken.

the 'wild west' of it builds mettle.

anonymity is why this place was chosen.

if you had to ask (poll), you already knew the answer..