Kike and Jid multikultiglobohomo faggots!
Enemies of mankind and especially the white race!
Death to all of these WEF fuckwits!
Kike and Jid multikultiglobohomo faggots!
Enemies of mankind and especially the white race!
Death to all of these WEF fuckwits!
>Death to all of these WEF fuckwits!
>remember the holocaust!
I think every day of the 12 million Germans who were murdered after the war! 3.5 million soldiers and 8.5 million civilians!
This is the real holocaust!
We Germans have the next hundred years to receive reparations from the Allies!
Pussy magic? KMAO
Nope, germanic!
8Cunt=Bunch of hooknosed DS Clowns!
Aye, gatekeeper always try to hide the truth! These brain-dead fucks are done!
what's up faggot?
>they are hook noses, anon
Aye, that's what these filthy fuckwits are, hooknosed mongrels!
Germans free yourselves from the Jews tyranny!